I have my first mens physique comp in 11 weeks. I'm probably around 10% right now, ahead of schedule, making sure I don't peak too early. I've already got a good amount of size naturally. This will be my first AAS cycle, some people are telling me I'll be too big if I do test e. What I'm mainly worried about though is getting "that look" for mens physique, if you know what I'm talking about. Kind of dry and hard. I know most of these guys cycle consist of clen/T3 and mast prop or var or winny. But since I'm a broke college student and didnt feel like doing EOD injections I just decided to go with test e. Is it possible to get that look I was talking about or at least some what close to that look with just test e? Obviously diet and cardio will be very important as always but do you guys suggest anything else to take? Aromasin or letro to dry and lean out a bit along with trying some old school methods for pulling the water out of you? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.