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Thread: Bodybuilding contest in Norther Cali

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Bodybuilding contest in Norther Cali

    does anyone know of any bodyhuilding contest in nothern california I want to start getting into bodybuilding but dont know any contests around here I did a search on the internet and for this new federation but dont know where it is has anyone heard of it?

    A new California bodybuilding federation forming!
    OAKLAND California - A new Northern California
    bodybuilding and fitness federation is forming and will have one show a month from April through November.

    The purpose of the federation, as yet unnamed, will be to restore enjoyment back into bodybuilding
    competition. Some shows will be drug-tested and others will not. Collectively, the promoters putting on the shows have over 50 years of experience in doing this, so they know the business very well. The organization will be non-exclusive -- bodybuilders will be able to compete in it regardless of any membership in any other organization or organizations.

    Those who place in the top three in each class will be able to compete in a national show that will lead to a title presently being negotiated for, and which everyone reading this message would recognize, one that will give great prestige to each year's winner.

    If you wish to be placed on the mailing list of this federation, call (408) 875-0275

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    West Coast
    Check out:

    I know there's one just north of you in S Oregon - used to be Bill Pearl Classic and forgot what it just got renamed to.


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