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Thread: online prepping coach

  1. #1

    online prepping coach

    Signed up for my first bb competition in novemeber. I want to hire a coach to help me out and was thinking of using a online one. Anyone have any recommendations?

  2. #2
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    May 2011
    You could check the npc website for your state and see if there are any in our area. I think there is about 8 or so that are around my area. Generally this would be a cheaper route then some of the bigger names out there and a little more personal.
    Last edited by bigZthedestroyer; 03-05-2013 at 04:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Ask Marcus. He's got the knowledge and can motivate like no other. I thought I read something about him helping clients online, but I could be

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    You could check the npc website for your state and see if there are any in our area. I think there is about 8 or so that are around my area. Generally this would be a cheaper route then some of the bigger names out there and a little more personal.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    Ask Marcus. He's got the knowledge and can motivate like no other. I thought I read something about him helping clients online, but I could be

  6. #6
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    Ahh...Should of check the CBBF. I believe it is an affiliate of the IFBB like the NPC in the states..They might have the same set up. You could use Antoine Vailliant! He is pricey but it would be bad a$$

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I did online prep coaching for several years, meaning I prepped competitors. I don't do a lot of it any more, just a handful of friends and I usually keep 4-5 others that peak my interest. And no, I'm not fishing for customers, just sharing my experience and thoughts.

    What you don't and do want:

    *You want someone who will provide a base diet and adjust your plan on a weekly basis as needed. In the initial stages the adjustments may be very small, but they add up over time and can make a big difference.

    *You don't want someone who simply gives you a diet and then checks in with you once every few weeks or once a month. Granted, that may be what you pay for but you can find those who know what they're doing and will be far more valuable to you.

    *When you find someone who is going to do a weekly review, they should also be willing to answer any questions you have throughout the week. They should always be willing to correspond via email but the good ones will allow phone calls and text. However, don't get upset if they don't respond right away. They have lives like everyone else and cannot sit by the computer or phone waiting to hear from you 24hrs a day. As long as they respond to you within a timely manner this is a good thing.

    *If you find someone who belittles you for asking something they consider stupid dump them. You're paying to ask questions, you're paying for help...there's no stupid question. As you get close to your show, like a lot of guys some of your questions may truly fall into the ridiculous category, but this is OK...a lot of people get weird and paranoid when a show gets close. Find someone who is willing to have patience and doesn't mock or call you an idiot. They are here to help you.

    *A good prep coach will want pics once a week. If they're going by what you tell them through your correspondence they're not worth your money. Yes, there are many out here like this, that's why I'm brining it up.

    * can get an OK deal in some cases for a few hundred bucks, but there are some very good ones out there who will offer great service for $600-1,200 for 16wks of work. Some a little higher....remember, you get what you pay for. $800-1,400 for 16wks was sort of my average range when I did it...$800 being the most common. Even if the guy/girl doesn't need 16wks of actual dieting, working with them for a full 16wks helps you learn their body, especially if it's your first time with them. Once you've gone through a show or two with someone this is when things can get really fun.

    *Follow your coaches advice perfectly and you'll get the best results. This may seem obvious but so few actually do it and often end up disappointed in the end.

    *If you're going to hire a coach listen to him and no one else. Otherwise there's no point in paying him.

    OK, not sure if any of this helps but I thought I'd offer my 2cents.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I did online prep coaching for several years, meaning I prepped competitors. I don't do a lot of it any more, just a handful of friends and I usually keep 4-5 others that peak my interest. And no, I'm not fishing for customers, just sharing my experience and thoughts.

    What you don't and do want:

    *You want someone who will provide a base diet and adjust your plan on a weekly basis as needed. In the initial stages the adjustments may be very small, but they add up over time and can make a big difference.

    *You don't want someone who simply gives you a diet and then checks in with you once every few weeks or once a month. Granted, that may be what you pay for but you can find those who know what they're doing and will be far more valuable to you.

    *When you find someone who is going to do a weekly review, they should also be willing to answer any questions you have throughout the week. They should always be willing to correspond via email but the good ones will allow phone calls and text. However, don't get upset if they don't respond right away. They have lives like everyone else and cannot sit by the computer or phone waiting to hear from you 24hrs a day. As long as they respond to you within a timely manner this is a good thing.

    *If you find someone who belittles you for asking something they consider stupid dump them. You're paying to ask questions, you're paying for help...there's no stupid question. As you get close to your show, like a lot of guys some of your questions may truly fall into the ridiculous category, but this is OK...a lot of people get weird and paranoid when a show gets close. Find someone who is willing to have patience and doesn't mock or call you an idiot. They are here to help you.

    *A good prep coach will want pics once a week. If they're going by what you tell them through your correspondence they're not worth your money. Yes, there are many out here like this, that's why I'm brining it up.

    * can get an OK deal in some cases for a few hundred bucks, but there are some very good ones out there who will offer great service for $600-1,200 for 16wks of work. Some a little higher....remember, you get what you pay for. $800-1,400 for 16wks was sort of my average range when I did it...$800 being the most common. Even if the guy/girl doesn't need 16wks of actual dieting, working with them for a full 16wks helps you learn their body, especially if it's your first time with them. Once you've gone through a show or two with someone this is when things can get really fun.

    *Follow your coaches advice perfectly and you'll get the best results. This may seem obvious but so few actually do it and often end up disappointed in the end.

    *If you're going to hire a coach listen to him and no one else. Otherwise there's no point in paying him.

    OK, not sure if any of this helps but I thought I'd offer my 2cents.
    Very helpful post. Thanks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    SS can't offer much advice on the training, other than to say look closely at the trainers resume and references. Lots of guys seem to make their choice of a trainer based on what title he held 10 years ago, I personally feel that looking at various clients progress with a trainer is a lot more important than his personal performance which may be largely the results of genetics.

    Also speaking of genetics...looking at your avi you got a great frame and should do really well, particularly with this much time to prep. Best of luck in your endevour!

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