Hi there guys/girls,
Interested in what makes a good physique competitor.
Height, weight etc.
Do they train any different from a Regular BB?
What sort of compounds give them that hard/ripped look?
Hi there guys/girls,
Interested in what makes a good physique competitor.
Height, weight etc.
Do they train any different from a Regular BB?
What sort of compounds give them that hard/ripped look?
Interested too, good question in my opinion.
also intrested, plus others like figure, bikini, fitness..
I just competed in bikini and I'm moving in to physique this year. From Everyone I've spoken to it depends on your natural foundation and your muscle building potential. I shouldve started in figure because I have a foundation for it. In regards to compounds everyone's defferent. For instance, I know a lot of women run hgh and at one point I was also. The last few months I've been getting my hormones checked and my IGF1 levels are much higher than the average female in my age demographic. I'm sure there's a few contributors to that (igf1 is what they use to check your gh levels because they are much more steady than gh itself throughout the day and it's a much more expensive to test gh itself) I started getting really bad sides from it. Now knowing what my blood panels showed I see no need to supplement with gh. Basically, what I'm starting is I think your natural make up has a lot to do with your potential, progression, and success. I wish I had a better understanding of hormones last year because I feel I would have progressed much more than I have. Also, there's what's called the negative feedback system and if your body isn't functioning optimally than that will also have a lot to do with your body and what supplements you'll need. One of my friends is a physique competitor as well and we both have a good amount of muscle and our cycles are totally different. She takes primo, anavar, hgh and clen. I take t4, no gh and I'll probably start primo and maybe eq. I know another female that ran, primo, test and gh. I don't think there's an exact answer. We all have similar diets and I think that's contributing more to how we look lol
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