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Thread: Texas NPC Chairman dies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Texas NPC Chairman dies

    Just thought I would share this from Very sad news.

    We were saddened to hear that NPC/IFBB judge and former competitor DeShay Ebert died suddenly this week. While few details are available, Ebert reportedly was found by police in her home in San Antonio, Texas, on December 5. No cause of death has yet been determined, but Ebert had been quietly suffering significant health problems recently.
    Ebert was an enthusiastic promoter of bodybuilding in her home state of Texas, and a popular presence at national-level shows. Known for her pleasant and charming demeanor, DeShay’s low-profile comportment in the sport was recently altered as a result of her controversial face-off with Shawn Ray at the Olympia press conference last October.
    DeShay was a favorite of many here at FLEX, and she will be missed.

  2. #2
    Sorry to hear that! Its been happening alot on the ameatur circuit as of late.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    DeShay Ebert

    You cant be serious??? That is the most shocking thing I have heard in a LONG time. This isnt hear say??? I started my competing in Texas, DeShay head judged my first two shows.

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