I have pm him multiple times with questions so I want to start a thread so others can ask quick questions and browse here for future reference.
I have pm him multiple times with questions so I want to start a thread so others can ask quick questions and browse here for future reference.
I asked in pm about proviron and response was posted
Personal experience with it, I never used it a lot, did some but not a ton. I never noticed a big difference when I used it. I have some friends that swear by the stuff and seem to think all their other gear works much better when they use it, and these guys aren't idiots. They have just as much gear use under their belt as me if not more in some cases. I've had some good experience adding Winstrol to cycles for the sole purpose of lowering SHBG to help make everything else work better. That always seemed to work better for me than Proviron but of course you have the downside of liver stress with the Winstrol.
think people fear asking a stupid question. But this is the thread. No cycle questions please from newbies.
I asked in pm about proviron and response was posted above![]()
Last edited by gearbox; 04-30-2014 at 08:20 PM.
I asked him about a high carb cheat meal even in contest prep and about running tne for pre workout. Seems like it would be difficult to control e2.
Depends on the guy. In my opinion, most do well with one single cheat meal a week, and by cheat I really do mean cheat. The competitors I work with, if they do a keto diet it's one cheat meal per week, that's it. The really advanced guys who are superior genetics might get a bit of a clean cheat meal in the middle of the week as well, but that's normally gone by 5wks out or so. If they're not doing a keto plan, there's basically a steady amount of carbs every day with one or two days of slightly higher carbs and a cheat meal. As the diet progresses, the carbs decrease if and as needed. Pretty simple really.
If we're talking bodybuilders, none of those guys are controlling E2. Bodybuilders walk around with E2 through the roof or completely crashed and bottomed out. Well, I shouldn't say all but most. Anyway, yes TNE is pretty awesome stuff, very effective pre workout boost, probably one of the best
What do you or most your show clients walk around at bf %; wise. I know many people on here think everyone is 15% or if he has decent abs he has to be 10% which is not even close to true.
Hard to say since it can vary so much from one guy to the next. I've had plenty of guys start way too heavy because they got overly obsessed with size in the off-season, every bit of 20%+. That makes for an even harder diet but they usually make it through. Anyway, I really don't worry too much about the actual percentage but rather what you're looking like.
Another thing, the 10% and abs deal or this or that percent is far more often incorrect than not. Everyone holds fat in different areas and more importantly lose it in different areas before others. If you happen to be me, my legs and back can look 4wks out while my stomach still looks 12wks out, lol! Gut fat is always the last to go for me. Things do get progressively better in the gut as the diet moves forward, but that area still takes the longest.
True story - one of the first competitors I ever worked with, by 8wks out his upper body was nearly shredded. If you looked at a pic and posted it of him on the main board (upper body only) everyone would be saying he's at least 6% if not leaner, and they'd say so emphatically. But his lower body, legs smooth as they could get and a fat ass. He'd always lean out just fine, did a lot of shows with him but he was upside down in terms of where he held fat compared to most men.
Anyway, myself currently - I don't know. I don't compete anymore. I'm just a regular guy who likes to go to the gym and eat boring food because I don't know what else to do, lol! Still veiny in some areas and got a little pudge in the middle. Maybe I'll post a pic or two if it helps people feel better, lol!
No pics needed. I was curious on your clients. I struggle with bulking cause I lose what little abs I have and its depressing. I'm more into a slow bulk now. Just barely above maintenance calories letting the was do more ôf the work. Not saying its ideal but currently trying it. I would like to step on stage some day just to experience it at least once. I need to build my legs and chest. Both are extremely small even for a lighter guy like myself.
What are your thoughts on t3? Doses duration
I'm a big fan of T3 and in my opinion, the fear that surrounds it is highly overrated. There are plenty of extremely dangerous things out there that you can use and really mess yourself up, but T3 isn't one of them.
Myself: I've used T3 for years, often the vast majority of the year. From the age of 26 or so until 31 I used it I'd say 8 months out of the year in total on average. Once I stopped using it, no blood work for a year and finally blood work and my thyroid was fine. And I know countless guys who can say the same. Sure, there's a lagging period when you come off but it's not anything you can't deal with.
Competitors: Use usually runs anywhere from 8-16wks depending on the guy (show prep). Dose always starts at 50mcg/ed and ramps up as needed 25-50mcg per increase. Most all end up around 75mcg at minimum, plenty end up in the 150 range. I've had a few guys go as high as 200mcg/ed and I've done so myself, but that's a little rough. A lot of people feel a little zapped on T3 anyway in terms of energy and I don't care who you are, at 200mcg you're going to feel it. hard to stay at that high of a dose for too long. Personally I've never had uncontrollable hunger issues due to it but it seems more people do have this struggle. My biggest issue with it is how hot I am all the time, it's a little annoying.
Currently I do use a little T3 periodically with my TRT. Get it from the site sponsor. Very good product IMO.
Thats why I like this thread so much. Real stage competitor and how things are done.
I have used at 50 mcg then I went to 75 and 100. Funny thing was I didn't notice any difference from 50 to 100. My results were my overall waist got more thin as a whole. Did not shred up or tone up. It was awesome losing inches when I was already thin.
Maybe thats how Arnold got the small waist huge chest. Haha
thanks again buddy. I know people are lurking and reading the info.
Gear are you planning to compete?
7% may be a little too low. I will have to wait and see.
Metal- I may not have a good idea of what 7% is or even 9% bf is In my head. My idea once I get there would be 50 mins fasted cardio 7x a week and lifting with clean diet 70/10/20.
Cape- I am doing a slow slow bulk right now. More maintenance cause I want very little fat. I watch my diet and mirror pics closely and adjust accordingly. When I cut again hopefully soon ill let you see before and after.
My last cut I got to about 11% I think. Didnt body pod it though. I posted a abs pics in my "were pregnant" thread if you remember.
Would love to see the progress.
I'll take pre post just for you. Probably abs section only but we will see. Still 8 weeks or so of my maintenance bulk I'm trying
Gear I looked the pic up in pregnancy. You were 10-12 % I think. You looked good. And did it with a pregnant woman in the house. Lol
wife handled the pregnancy wellI think I was closer to 12% but I didn't get around to getting a body pod. I even called to set up a time and the lady was on vacation for that whole week and didn't call back. I will after this next cut once I get some little gains hopefully in the next 10 weeks or so. I am never doing a big bulk again that's for sure. took me 16 weeks of 45+ min fasted cardio to drop down to that pics cause I was 15%+
after research it seems that in order to get close to lets says 7% is will take a lot of cardio. A few peeps are getting stage ready and they hit cardio 3x a day for 50 mins each session to shred up. of course they will go past 7%. As I right in this assumption that to stay or get to 7% its cardio. cause you can only restrict calories so much
It depends on the guy. Some need more cardio than others and some (very, very few) need very little. There are those with such gifted genetics when it comes to their metabolism that they don't have to diet as long or do as much cardio. But again, that doesn't apply to most. Anyway, you can do a lot to manipulate things with drugs, which is what a lot of guys do. Diet and cardio are important like everyone says but drugs are the single most important factor. Most don't like saying or admitting that but that doesn't make it any less true.
For what it's worth I never did cardio during show prep. And regarding your statement above on drugs, prep was test, tren, injectable winny, mast, t3, and clen. I had such low bf I had to back load slin pins because you would see knots otherwise at the injection sites.
I've backloaded insulin syringes quite a few times as well. And you're a lucky guy. Not too many can get away with no cardio. I currently do 40min a day 5-6 days a wk after weight training pretty well year round. I got so used to having to do two plus hours a day for years that 40min is nothing. Only reason I do it now is because if I don't I can't eat as much and my appetite goes away and I just feel better when I do it.
When you say manipulate drugs what do you mean exactly? I see many guys walking around pretty lean but I doubt there all on test tren mast etc.. obviously maybe a 500 trt dose with blasts.
Why would you doubt they're on these things?
And just to clarify, I didn't say "manipulate drugs" I said you can "manipulate things with drugs" things being your body. Just some random examples that helped me:
*T3 - started using it in the off-season, stayed leaner, diet was easier, looked better.
*EOD or ED injections with even large/long esters. I don't have factual answers as to why this works better, only theories but it works. For myself, 1750mg of test-e/wk was always split into 7 weekly injections...well, not always but once I realized how much easier it was to control this way.
*Masteron and Tren in the off-season: I've done periods of these in my off-season quite a few times. Obviously the two are far more important in the contest phase but 8-12wks of that in the off-season always put a smile on my face. Granted, wasn't the only thing I'd use and was by no means the base...base was usually testosterone and nandrolone, not much else. Other things at times but test and nadrolone were on top.
*HGH: manipulates everything if you use enough - rules go out the window.
I run both test e or c ed. Eod at a minimum. I don't feel peaks and valleys this way. Tren off season yes. Mast for me is a no. My bf isn't low enough to see any result or benefit from it.
Real hgh will change you in serious ways if run long enough.
Diet has to change weekly. I would have to recalculate everything on Sundays after I weighed. I looked at the scale once a week on Sunday then started plugging in numbers and getting the grocery list together.
Funny you mentioned ed or eod injections with long ester. I have switch to eod and can feel a difference over 2x a week.
Training- did it change when you were on vs off heavy compounds. Just learned from a few peeps they lift 6-7 days a week almost every muscle group 2x a week or close. what are your thoughts
get that bf down fatty
I change my calories to some degree as time goes on. I am doing such a slow bulk its more maintenance then anything else. it took way to long to get that fat off to get to that pic that you saw. it is nothing great but I am going to stay close to that pics cause I feel better overall.
what about the hgh gut. maybe they use crazy doses but how it that differently then a small dose over 20 years.
kia greene has a huge gut. he has grown so much in a short time.
I think hitting each body part 2x/wk is way too much gear or no gear. Most bodybuilders don't do that. I know plenty that hit every body part once every 9 days or so and that's it. That doesn't mean they're not training most days.
Most bodybuilders split their leg day, one day for quads and one for hams. Some go as far as to split their arm sessions, one for tri's and one for bi's...personally I don't see the benefit in the split arm training but it works good for Flex, you can't argue that. His split is Shoulders, quads, back, chest, hams, bi's, tri's with rest days thrown in as needed. Still, most still follow the 7 day each body part once, 1-2 days rest.
When off gear, most don't train much. Common time to put training aside and rest or just do light circuit training or something like that. Most guys would do so much better if they trained like this. Took me years to accept this myself.
Metal need some info about test dosage,i am currently running 350 test prop/w,700 tren ace/w,800 eq/w,300 masteron/w,and noticed i have dayz when i feel like crap,muscles are not full etc,i was thinking of upping the test to 700/w,a tought great one?
It's not just HGH, it's the combination of several things. Insulin plays a big role in that gut look you're talking about. Combine that with extremely heavy weight and your mid-section muscles grow. Even I noticed that and I'm nothing...the heavier I lifted on military and deads the thicker my abs got. I had to stop doing deads altogether at one point as I couldn't stop my obliques from growing, which can make you look stupid really fast. Still did rack pulls some.
Anyway, HGH, insulin, pounds of food and heavy weights = bigger gut. Genetics play a role too just like with everything else.
I mean no energy,low sex drive,anxiety,i have the feeling someone is out there to get me.....i guess it sounds weird.And if you have time i would like to know you're opinion on carbs when cutting,i try to limit them to first meal(oats with whey and 5 egg whtes)and PWO drink,but it makes me think bout carbs every single second of the day,i neve tought i would crave for something this bad,i've cut bf very very nice with discipline and diet,but cant seem to get the tunnels in the abs.And did you ever eat rice or other carbs when cutting? i want to mess with carbs alot but i know it might slow my progress shredding bf%,what's youre opinion on the situation?
did a test/eq cycle,then moved on to a test/tren,then test/tren/eq, and my last is test,tren,eq,mast,always cycling t3 and clen,arimidex 0.5 e3d,i prolongue clen with ketotifen, omega 3,multivitamins,and food is crap,all day every day chicken breast,oats,egg whites,lean beef,green beans,brocoli,peanut butter and wallnuts.i also drink lots of green tea and 2 cups of cofee a day 1 in the morning and 1 before training,i **** alot,5-6 girls a week,and wife wants 1 every second day,and i noticed my sex drive dropped,and i ran into a problem recently it happened to me twice,when i was banging this girl i could not focus to climax,and i got soft,i thin kthis all has to do with my low test dosage,what do you think?
Your ai and dosage?
When I cut for my shows I ate carbs. Actually a week before I was eating 30 oz of sweet potatoes a day plus rice. Too low of carbs is counterproductive.
yes but go high and you start to look like crap in the mirror...
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