Alright it was a long road but i am almost finished
For those of you who saw my pic from may 17 @172lbs since then i have gotten down to 159lbs so i feel alot smaller but more shredded as well. for this week i am going to keep my carbs low until wednsday and then start loading. I have also cut out my cardio. I was considering comming in as a light weight but that would mean losing another 5lbs which is possible but then i dont think i would be able to carb load until after the weigh ins. i normall dont hold that much water anyways so i dont think that i am going to lose that much more weight before the show. i would like to come in at 158 on stage. That would be 10lbs heavyer then last year and even if i dont win the middle weight i at least know that my hard work did infact pay off.
I will post pics from before and after comp.
Talk to yall soon wish me luck!