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Thread: dropping test completely 8 weeks out

  1. #1

    dropping test completely 8 weeks out

    Okay I need some evidence and opinions on this. I have a good friend and he competes. He is on a ton of AAS just like any normal bodybuilding competitor. His new coach had him drop his test completely out 8 weeks out from his show. His explanation had something to do with tren keeping the levels high or something?

    Can you please explain the dangers here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    Okay I need some evidence and opinions on this. I have a good friend and he competes. He is on a ton of AAS just like any normal bodybuilding competitor. His new coach had him drop his test completely out 8 weeks out from his show. His explanation had something to do with tren keeping the levels high or something?

    Can you please explain the dangers here
    You would drop test from your cycle to try and control estrogen which in turn will control water as long as your diet is on track.

    Its hard to say at what point you may need to drop test if at all, you can indeed run it all the way up the comp if your AI's are doing there job, you must have your diet spot on and already be very lean to make this work.

    If I had to give a answer for me 8 weeks out is a little to far to drop all test a better alternative for me would be to run a lower dose of test and control water with aromasin or arimadex.

    As for the dangers I can see none health wise but dropping all test this far out may not have him looking as full as he could.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    His test levels are not going to stay high because of the Tren, Tren does not raise test levels. Without testosterone, his test levels are going to go down, that's unavoidable. Some guys like to cut out testosterone from the plan because it helps them control estrogen, which in turn can help them lose more body fat and look tighter and harder. However, you now also have low testosterone levels when you do this and you also risk losing some size. Leaving testosterone in for as long as possible and as much as possible can help you come in fuller. I've gone through preps where I kept testosterone high all the way through and where I had barely any at the end...depends on the time period we're talking about. But I can't see any reason to drop it completely 8wks out. I also cannot see any reason not to leave a TRT level of test in there. If you can't control E2 with a TRT levels of testosterone you have bigger problems you need to deal with. And you'll feel a lot better with a little bit of test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    That seems extreme...i would keep long esters till 6 weeks out switch to short esters and then suspension for last 2 week. That seems to work for me and my athletes...but 8 weeks out is can control estro with aromasin or even letro if you have to shouldnt need to cut it out that early in the prep...

  5. #5
    Same thing I thought... I hope it all works out for him!

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