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Thread: In reading Metals successful competing post i have a question about pros and t3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    In reading Metals successful competing post i have a question about pros and t3

    Why on earth professional and serious amateur bodybuilders using 150-250mcgs of T3 when they often appear to be 10-11%bf before they start their 12-16 weeks precontest diet??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    to get paper thin skin to muscle contact? I unno man.. but i wouldent take more than 100mcg IMO, and rec 50-75mcg often. 250mcg seems crazy.

  3. #3
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    Thats a lot of T3, lets not forget it can be catabolic, personally i prefer T4 with hGh and if i use T3 i use 25mcg which is anabolic at this dose and will still stimulate the metabolism while not effecting the natural production to the level 250mcg would...some people will do anything to win or place top 3 even at a low level show, for me its a hobby and ability to prove to myself i can do this, so that level of t3 use is not for me...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirkmcgirk View Post
    Why on earth professional and serious amateur bodybuilders using 150-250mcgs of T3 when they often appear to be 10-11%bf before they start their 12-16 weeks precontest diet??
    I'm not sure I fully understand the question.
    Laying aside any physical concerns or anything like that, why wouldn't he? I'm simply trying to understand the question.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    Thats a lot of T3, lets not forget it can be catabolic, personally i prefer T4 with hGh and if i use T3 i use 25mcg which is anabolic at this dose and will still stimulate the metabolism while not effecting the natural production to the level 250mcg would...some people will do anything to win or place top 3 even at a low level show, for me its a hobby and ability to prove to myself i can do this, so that level of t3 use is not for me...
    Agreed it can be catabolic, but if you have a decent amount of other gear in the plan it shouldn't have this negative effect. We all have what we like and what works for us, so I'm not knocking what you do. Personally though, I think T3 is one of the best things out there. I also think the fear of it may be one of the most overblown of all gear related items.

  6. #6
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    My issue with T3 is improper use, i have seen few figure / physique girls get destroyed by the stuff, bad advice + irresponsible use = disaster...i have seen few of them blow up to 200lbs and never shake it off...i know what you mean if cycled properly and tapered off with proper diet while coming off it, it is or can be a great tool for fat lose, but i feel a lot of people just jump on it in high dose and then come off and rebound like crazy...i have used it with my clients in the past with success but definitely try to avoid it with woman or run very low doses, that being said it is always nice to see another point of view on any subject as at the end of the day i am here to learn as much as i am here to help...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    My issue with T3 is improper use, i have seen few figure / physique girls get destroyed by the stuff, bad advice + irresponsible use = disaster...i have seen few of them blow up to 200lbs and never shake it off...i know what you mean if cycled properly and tapered off with proper diet while coming off it, it is or can be a great tool for fat lose, but i feel a lot of people just jump on it in high dose and then come off and rebound like crazy...i have used it with my clients in the past with success but definitely try to avoid it with woman or run very low doses, that being said it is always nice to see another point of view on any subject as at the end of the day i am here to learn as much as i am here to help...
    Mike my question is why do u have to taper up or down on it to come off. The thyroid is shut down at 25mcg or 225mcg. What is the reasoning for the tapering? It would be like tapering up and down with injectable test. Once ur shut down ur down right?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not sure I fully understand the question.
    Laying aside any physical concerns or anything like that, why wouldn't he? I'm simply trying to understand the question.
    I guess my point was that I figured that dose wouldn't be necessary since they appear to be so ahead of the curve anyway in terms of their conditioning.

  9. #9
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    They are ahead of their conditioning probably because they are using T3...LOL...

    Tice, from the research i remember doing years back it was highly recommended to taper down to reduce the negative impact of the T3 on the thyroid for tapering up, i would say so you can get the most out of each dose scheme and increase the dose as the bodies sensitivity is reduced...this part is somewhat of a guess for for gear i prefer to front load all esters to saturate the plasma level right from the start...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    They are ahead of their conditioning probably because they are using T3...LOL...

    Tice, from the research i remember doing years back it was highly recommended to taper down to reduce the negative impact of the T3 on the thyroid for tapering up, i would say so you can get the most out of each dose scheme and increase the dose as the bodies sensitivity is reduced...this part is somewhat of a guess for for gear i prefer to front load all esters to saturate the plasma level right from the start...
    Oh OK big dog I understand. So would u lower ur dosages by 10mcg everyday? So if I was at 50mcg a day and wanted to say at 25mcg would u lower it the next day to 40mcg then the next day 30mcg then 25mcg?

  11. #11
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    I would run 50mcg for 4-5 days then drop to 37.5mcg for 4-5 days, then down to 25mcg after that, if i was to come off all together i would keep cutting down to 12,5 and then 6,75 and then nothing....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    My issue with T3 is improper use, i have seen few figure / physique girls get destroyed by the stuff, bad advice + irresponsible use = disaster...i have seen few of them blow up to 200lbs and never shake it off...i know what you mean if cycled properly and tapered off with proper diet while coming off it, it is or can be a great tool for fat lose, but i feel a lot of people just jump on it in high dose and then come off and rebound like crazy...i have used it with my clients in the past with success but definitely try to avoid it with woman or run very low doses, that being said it is always nice to see another point of view on any subject as at the end of the day i am here to learn as much as i am here to help...
    I hear what you're saying. And I probably should have clarified a bit when I said I think the fear of T3 is overblown. Sure, you can cause some problems for yourself with it, you know, if you use it like an idiot.

    Stopping it cold turkey = idiot: I agree, got to ease off. Now with easing off, just with my own use - I've tapered down slowly, worked fine. I've also gone from a higher dose and immediately dropped down to 25mcg per day for 2-3wks. Seemed to work just as well. I've done it both ways several times. Personally, I like just dropping down to 25 from the get go. You don't go into no T3 shock, your body gets used to a normal amount and everything seems to kick in.

    Eating like a normal person right after T3 = idiot: I'm not sure if it's really the T3 as much as it is you've been eating like a rabbit for weeks on in and now you're dumping 80,000 calories a day into your body for weeks on end.

    Do both of the idiot things listed above = big fat juicy idiot, and not good juicy.

  13. #13
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    ^^^ LOL...for sure...over eating after the show and coming off T3 at the same time is a formula for disaster...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL View Post
    ^^^ LOL...for sure...over eating after the show and coming off T3 at the same time is a formula for disaster...
    what about all those olympia guys they all feast on junk food after the show... and look at how their eating post workout, always fries with burgers and sodas and pizzas and ice cream. Genetics or good drugs or both?

  15. #15
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    Genetics, nutrient timing, drugs and also they weight 300lbs at 8%BF, their BMR is out of this world...they can get away with a lot before starting to gain fat...

    Quote Originally Posted by william981125 View Post
    what about all those olympia guys they all feast on junk food after the show... and look at how their eating post workout, always fries with burgers and sodas and pizzas and ice cream. Genetics or good drugs or both?

  16. #16
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    I typically pig out after a show but not as much as I'd like because simply physically can't. The day after is usually other story. If I have nothing going on I'll eat all day Sunday whatever I want but my drug intake is still normal and Im still taking diuretics. Once the 1-2 days of pig eating ends I'll go back to my diet plan...not the final week or two plan but the base diet I used most of the prep. I'll eat just like that for 3-4wks with a couple cheat meals a week. During this time I also ease out the T3. And then from there it's hard to say exactly what I'll do because that depends on what my plans are. Not uncommon for me to take 2-4wks off from training and just eat like a normal person but if there's another show I want to do it might only be a week off. Anyway, there's no set answer for this.

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