04-30-2015, 09:31 AM #1
First Contest Cycle (Any input would be appreciated)
Hey guys whats up? I'm 29 year old male from the NorthWest.
I am just curious to hear some of your guys's opinions on what a good 16 week pre-contest stack would look like. I am not currently on TRT, I cycle off. According to blood work, my body seems to recover fine so I want to keep my cycle as close to 16 weeks as possible, no more. I would like to keep my HPTA functioning as long as possible.
My main question is what would be a good inj. compound to add to the first half of my contest regimen to aid in mass development?
Current Cycle:
week 1-5 dbol (kick start fill the muscles with carbs and get that size.)
week 1-4 Test P (again kick start, begin at a high doese, tapering down as enanthate cleaves)
Week 1-16 Test E (1000mg/week)
Weeks 8-16 Masteron (500mg/week, not sure on exact dosage protocol would appreciate input)
Weeks 12-16 Oral Winny 50mgs
Weeks 13-16 dbol @ 30mgs (possibly, to add more size, and if I'm truly conditioned, my experience tells me I shouldn't have a problem with water, never have)
The show would land somewhere in week 16 I'm thinking mid if I time it right.
My main question is does anyone here have any experience with running oral winny and oral dbol pre-contest?
04-30-2015, 02:25 PM #2
05-05-2015, 02:48 AM #3
Yah I figured it was on the high side.
Thanks for your input man, what would you suggest for dosages if I want to have a look that could win? For the Winny and Dbol ?
05-05-2015, 04:44 PM #4
Thats tough as winning look is largely dictated by 1) genetics and 2) who shows up and what genetics they have...3) its the work you put in it...you only control one of them and thats number 3 make sure you get it done...
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