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Thread: supplements to make u anti-catabolic?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    supplements to make u anti-catabolic?

    Hey guys I have this 17yr stud that I'm about to coach for this first show I have coached him though is bulk. I don't want to put him on gear because my morals don't agree with it. So is there any OTC supplements to keep him anti-catabolic those the cut? Thanks boys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    BCAA's are probably his best bet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    BCAA's are probably his best bet.
    Ok so none stop bcaa's.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Ok so none stop bcaa's.
    IDK about non-stop, but adding a few servings (maybe 20-30 g) to a gallon jug of water and sipping it throughout the day should help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm not being an asshole here, just for future reference. "Anti-catabolic" the word you're looking for is anabolic. Anabolic is the opposite of catabolic just like "up" is the opposite of "down." And anabolic doesn't mean steroid. Actually, you can take it a step further, most steroids aren't anabolic. I know, hard concepts for most to grasp but I don't know why.

    You can do a lot with a 17yr old's food plan in most cases that you might not be able to get away with with an older guy...not always true but often. Other than that, like Bonaparte said, BCAA's are good. Get him some beef liver tabs, Beverly makes decent ones. Keep the meals and food coming in often and he should be fine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I'm not being an asshole here, just for future reference. "Anti-catabolic" the word you're looking for is anabolic. Anabolic is the opposite of catabolic just like "up" is the opposite of "down." And anabolic doesn't mean steroid. Actually, you can take it a step further, most steroids aren't anabolic. I know, hard concepts for most to grasp but I don't know why.

    You can do a lot with a 17yr old's food plan in most cases that you might not be able to get away with with an older guy...not always true but often. Other than that, like Bonaparte said, BCAA's are good. Get him some beef liver tabs, Beverly makes decent ones. Keep the meals and food coming in often and he should be fine.
    No metal I know ur not being an asshole its just how blunt u are and I like that. I'm the same way an people on here get butt hurt when I write something lmao...yeah I guess I was thinking of anabolic as gear but ur 100% right. That's why put word "anti" catabolic lol but ur right....
    Beef liver tabs huh I will put that into his program. Yeah I figured meals more frequent will keep him good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I would go with 5gm of EAA and 5gm of L-Glutamine in the morning prior to cardio. 7.5-10mg of EAA prior to training ith 10mg of creatine. Post training 7.5-10mg of BCAA. Prior to bed on empty stomach 10gm of L-Glutamine. Good source of fish oils and also 3-5gm of CLA through out the day. Adequate amount of protein through out the day as well. I would time carbs appropriately with his daily activities to maximize fat burning and muscle maintenance.

  8. #8
    Any better whey protein will do,and has bcaas and glutamin aded,what you should teach him is to eat right and workout right,sups like multivitamin (i prefer organic as pills) and omega3 along with whey is enough along with proper food.
    Nothing without real food

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