Background: I am presently trying to get on TRT and I am finding out that this is a long drawn out process. I am hoping that by the end of the year, i will have my prescription. I also compete in bodybuilding. Needless to say, I have not cycled in about 5 months and have been off all supplements.
I am expecting to be tested in March and again in June if I get on TRT, so I do not believe that I can cycle until I get my schedule moved to 6 month testing. With this being said, the competitions that I go to are in June and July, which won't be happening if I am unable to cycle. I still train like I am going to compete.
When I am able to cycle again, i want the best combination possible to try and optimize the results. I know that everyone reacts different however i would like to see the results from others.
My normal bulking cycle is sust test, dbol and deca. It has given me years of great results and water retention is not an issue. I have used other combos based on circumstances however I know I can count on my normal cycle. I have previously received feedback and i have focused in on NPP. I have never used it before however i have heard some pretty good results. Can anyone compare the results on 1 vs the results on the other?
Does hGH affect the bw tests on TRT?
Btw- will I be able to use deca if on TRT (from the testing standpoint). Deca takes a long time to clear your system and I do not want to have a test come back with questions because the Dr's I am dealing with are very conservative and really do not want to prescribe TRT. Even before prescribing they have said if I miss a scheduled bw they will take me off.