I'm a 37 yo male, 5'7" and 162Lbs(74KG). I've been doing crossfit for about 3 years. When I first started I was weighing about 70kg but my diet was not so good so I dropped down to 136LBS(62Kg) with a body fat 4.5%. Then I started eating healthier and started using whey protein, BCAA, and vitamins as supplements. And almost for the last 2 years I'm going btw 158lbs and 165lbs (72-75KG). My BF is about 9% and it's really hard to gain lean muscle for me.
My workout is like this usually,Mon-Wed-Fri I usually do a Metcon early in the morning and then in the afternoon another session of Weightlifting and maybe another short Metcon. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm only working out for 1 hour so I'm mixing things between strength and metcon on those days. My lifting numbers are just Ok and even though I've seen a lot of improvement since I've started doing Crossfit, I feel like I'm not recovering well enough anymore and my weightlifting numbers are just stuck at certain numbers.
I've read loads of threads about Crossfit but since I'a newbie about Steroids I thought I should just give my stats and wait for the cycle suggestions from the experts.