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Thread: Oatmeal = Slower Metabolism?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York

    Oatmeal = Slower Metabolism?

    I was watching the T.V. show Extreme Make Over. On the show they had a trainer who trainded all the so called "Stars". The guy he was training wanted to gain weight. The trainer was telling the guy who was getting the extreme make over to eat Oatmeal because it will slow down your metabolism. Is this true? If so why do so many people eat oatmeal while dieting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Essy
    I was watching the T.V. show Extreme Make Over. On the show they had a trainer who trainded all the so called "Stars". The guy he was training wanted to gain weight. The trainer was telling the guy who was getting the extreme make over to eat Oatmeal because it will slow down your metabolism. Is this true? If so why do so many people eat oatmeal while dieting?
    This guy is about 52 cards shy of a full deck.

    It's a complex carb that is low gi and will help to gain weight as the inclusion of any carbohydrate would. It doesn't have any affect on slowing your thyroid/metabolism. At least he mentions a clean source!

    The person he is training must be as dumb as a rock as well.

    Last edited by SwoleCat; 05-20-2004 at 02:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Not a well known name.
    I think you answered your own question. No one food has ever been shown to slow your metabolism. Don't take advice from Extreme Makeover dude.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    New York
    I dont have oatmeal at all I was just curious to see if he was correct.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    New York
    Oh and he must no something hes supposedley a famous trainer to the stars. Michael Thurmond is his name
    Last edited by Essy; 05-20-2004 at 02:50 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    hey speaking of low gi foods.. how does watermelon fit into this its like a 6 on the gi scale.. but its mostly fructose.. but its ooooo sooooooo goooooooood..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Essy
    Oh and he must no something hes supposedley a famous trainer to the stars. Michael Thurmond is his name

    the only few ripped people ive seen in movies was the guy in american psycho and brad pitt in fight club.. and **** no homo but he looked good..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    the only few ripped people ive seen in movies was the guy in american psycho and brad pitt in fight club.. and **** no homo but he looked good..
    Yes for scrawny b*tches...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Windy City
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    the only few ripped people ive seen in movies was the guy in american psycho and brad pitt in fight club.. and **** no homo but he looked good..
    I've gotta agree with you there bro. That's the ideal physique IMO.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ****.. like someone said before.. no chick ever asks you how much you bench when your tappin that ass.. and with that body that mofo could pull some bitches..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    right behind ya
    He must have meant it is a lower gi food, therefore, it is digested slower.

  12. #12
    yhea i agree im no homo but Brad Pitt was looking ripped in fight club holy fuc$ he looked like he had an 18pack on his abs. **** i wonder how he got that ripped????perhaps a lil sauce.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Beernutz
    yhea i agree im no homo but Brad Pitt was looking ripped in fight club holy fuc$ he looked like he had an 18pack on his abs. **** i wonder how he got that ripped????perhaps a lil sauce.

    No offense but he looked like he weighed about 160 pounds in that movie also... When your at that bodyfat at 190(there are exceptions for less weight but not 160-170 pounds) or more then thats something to talk about...I'd rather be bigger with more bodyfat then tiny and ripped..He might get all the puss he wants to get too,and girls prolly won't ask you how much you bench either... I lift for myself and what I like regardless of what seems to be the perfect body..If you have to take your shirt off to look big,then you need to gain some mass.........

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Dallas, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by goodtobeapimp
    When your at that bodyfat at 190(there are exceptions for less weight but not 160-170 pounds) or more then thats something to talk about...
    I don't know about that bro. Check out BASK8CASE's pics in the member's picture forum. He weights 175lbs, and is something to talk about. It's got alot to do with bone structure/weight. You can't say because somebody weighs 160-170, they're incase you can't tell I'm weighing in at 160 now lol. But I used to be 195.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the lab
    im 5'6..
    and no matter what, id rather be 200 lbs 12% than 165 6% body fat. I mean, i don't compete at all, and i sure as hell dont run around town shirtless showing off my abs anywhere.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by big_mike
    im 5'6..
    and no matter what, id rather be 200 lbs 12% than 165 6% body fat. I mean, i don't compete at all, and i sure as hell dont run around town shirtless showing off my abs anywhere.
    I feel you on that. Who wouldn't want 176lbs of LBM compared to 156lbs. LBM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RockyX
    I don't know about that bro. Check out BASK8CASE's pics in the member's picture forum. He weights 175lbs, and is something to talk about. It's got alot to do with bone structure/weight. You can't say because somebody weighs 160-170, they're incase you can't tell I'm weighing in at 160 now lol. But I used to be 195.

    Your right and honestly I had him in mind when I was saying there are some exceptions( I had just seen his pics a few days ago)... I thought he said he weighed 185.. I might be wrong, but yes he looks awesome.. That doesn't change my thoughts on brad pitt and his body in fight club ... Just because someone is shredded really doesnt impress me too much,but thats just me I know most people are vice versa..

    I think I might be wrong in stereotyping everyone into a certain class just because of weight,because height and structure does make a difference. It just seems like 99% of the people I know that ask me about bodybuilding want to know "how do I get cut up" blah blah wah. I get so sick of hearing that. I never hear "how do I build mass?" Unless the guy is like 140 pounds. Then he usually says "well im already cut,so I need some mass" If you weigh 140 and your not cut then you must not have much muscle on your body at all. I'd like to have a dollar for every person that was boiling over with fat that came to me in march and said "I want to get ripped by summer."

    I used to weigh 175 pounds and was mildly cut. Now i weigh 230 and I'm not as cut as I was but the strength and size is not even comparable. It took me years,but its worth it and only way I'd ever be that small again is if I had a disease or something.

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