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Thread: Question about changing it up..

  1. #1

    Question about changing it up..

    I've been following a diet similiar to the sticky above for the last month with Cardio 6x a week in the morning on empty stomach.

    The macro breakdown is something like:

    Protein: 270g/day
    Carbs: 120g/day (all in the pwo meals)
    Fat: 120g/day (majority of it comming from flaxseed oil)

    The scale hasn't moved much, but I feel my body composition has gotten a lot better. Thing is, my strength has gone down quite a bit though. For instance, a weight I used to be able to do for 8 or so reps, I get like fatigued after 3-4 reps.. it's like I ran outa energy to complete it. I feel as if it's just because I don't have that many carbs in me? but who knows..

    Question is, should I down the protein and up the fat to help? Or should I keep on going like this..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You have less glycogen in your muscles during your workout, this is why you are strong, but peter out quicker. You are still losing fat by doing this, so you should keep going. You should however address your strength issue, as that's a sign of something needing adjustment in the carb/type/fat departments.


  3. #3
    Yeah def., I'm going to make some adjustments.. thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    with metal plates...
    i had the same prob a while ago..but it all goes away after i up my fats an extra 10g...of course calories are up..but many said not to count calories..just the macros..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by eggplant
    i had the same prob a while ago..but it all goes away after i up my fats an extra 10g...of course calories are up..but many said not to count calories..just the macros..
    is that really wise to just count macros.. ill start doing that if its of now ive been counting everything.

  6. #6
    For anyone who cares and is in the same rut as me..

    I downed my protein a little and uped my fats (with more EFA's via flaxseed oil)

    and wow.. it had like a great impact.. my lifts are pretty much back to what they were

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Barbellman
    For anyone who cares and is in the same rut as me..

    I downed my protein a little and uped my fats (with more EFA's via flaxseed oil)

    and wow.. it had like a great impact.. my lifts are pretty much back to what they were
    i did the same thing. I dropped like 5 g of pro per meal and upped the fats about 6 each meal.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    got that tip from you swole. Dont know if you remember due to all the questions you must get.

  10. #10


    Don't know where I'd be without the advice from the dieting section at this board..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yup, I remember......

    I think me remembering has something to do w/your avatar.


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yup, I remember......

    I think me remembering has something to do w/your avatar.

    YUP she has that affect on

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    with metal plates...
    what if i leave the amount of protein the same but up the fats? whats the diff besides more macros?

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