I've been following a diet similiar to the sticky above for the last month with Cardio 6x a week in the morning on empty stomach.
The macro breakdown is something like:
Protein: 270g/day
Carbs: 120g/day (all in the pwo meals)
Fat: 120g/day (majority of it comming from flaxseed oil)
The scale hasn't moved much, but I feel my body composition has gotten a lot better. Thing is, my strength has gone down quite a bit though. For instance, a weight I used to be able to do for 8 or so reps, I get like fatigued after 3-4 reps.. it's like I ran outa energy to complete it. I feel as if it's just because I don't have that many carbs in me? but who knows..
Question is, should I down the protein and up the fat to help? Or should I keep on going like this..