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  1. #1
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    Low carb mornings are hell!

    I'm lifting 3 days per week with twice a day cardio. I'm natural for now, I need to lose about 50 pounds of fat, then go for size.

    My carbs are around 50 grams per day on off days, and when I get outta bed in the morning, I stumble around like a zombie for about the first 90 minutes. I drop ****, run into walls, spill my coffee and protein drink, etc. Two mornings ago I put water into my shaker and started mixing, then realized I hadn't put the **** protein in yet! So I put in the protein, forgot to secure the lid on the spout, and shook it vigourously! Ruined a nice white shirt.

    Also, I have an uncontrolable urge to nap when I get home from work, even though I hit an ECA stack in the car on the way home.

    The rest of the time I actually fell energized, and I'm usually a morning person.

    What gives? Somebody help before I fall off my stationary bike.
    Last edited by elicotton; 05-24-2004 at 11:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    bro if thats the case then you should up the carbs a bit, just my 02 but you sound pretty lapse for thought? seems like its really affecting your motor skills

  3. #3
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Try upping your fat intake a little.... see if that gives you any extra energy.


  4. #4
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    Drink some coffee. You don't need the carbs, your body is currently adjusting, and you need to push through the beginning. I'm so used to it now that I'm sluggish as hell when I eat too many carbs.

  5. #5
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rambo
    Drink some coffee. You don't need the carbs, your body is currently adjusting, and you need to push through the beginning. I'm so used to it now that I'm sluggish as hell when I eat too many carbs.

    Same here.... when I eat an assload of carbs I feel like going to sleep afterwards \


  6. #6
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    I've adjusted to the low carb I think. It's been 5 weeks since I started. The weird thing is that after about an hour to hour and a half, I start to "wake up" regardless of whether I eat carbs (or anything for that matter). I have experimented with a small amount (20grams) of carbs before bedtime, (I know this is probably the worst possible time) and I wake up normally. Has anyone else ever noticed this with themselves?
    Last edited by elicotton; 05-25-2004 at 06:05 AM.

  7. #7
    eggplant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elicotton
    I've adjusted to the low carb I think. It's been 5 weeks since I started. The weird thing is that after about an hour to hour and a half, I start to "wake up" regardless of whether I eat carbs (or anything for that matter). I have experimented with a small amount (20grams) of carbs before bedtime, (I know this is probably the worst possible time) and I wake up normally. Has anyone else ever noticed this with themselves?

    weird...never experienced it before..the only reason that might make me wake up after i just fall asleep is probably the **** hot over here at my side....geez

  8. #8
    beenie's Avatar
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    My bet is that your problem has nothing to do with your carb intake and has more to do with the amount and quality of sleep you are getting. Also, the fact that you have 50 lbs of fat to lose is a powerful indicator that your heart needs to work harder than someone with a lower bf%. Why do you think your problems have anything to do with diet?

    What's your resting heart rate (just curious)? How much cardio are you doing(I know you said twice a day, but at what intensity and duration?)

    Quote Originally Posted by elicotton
    I'm lifting 3 days per week with twice a day cardio. I'm natural for now, I need to lose about 50 pounds of fat, then go for size.

    My carbs are around 50 grams per day on off days, and when I get outta bed in the morning, I stumble around like a zombie for about the first 90 minutes. I drop ****, run into walls, spill my coffee and protein drink, etc. Two mornings ago I put water into my shaker and started mixing, then realized I hadn't put the **** protein in yet! So I put in the protein, forgot to secure the lid on the spout, and shook it vigourously! Ruined a nice white shirt.

    Also, I have an uncontrolable urge to nap when I get home from work, even though I hit an ECA stack in the car on the way home.

    The rest of the time I actually fell energized, and I'm usually a morning person.

    What gives? Somebody help before I fall off my stationary bike.
    Last edited by beenie; 05-25-2004 at 07:10 AM.

  9. #9
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Yeah just drink a cup of coffee as soon as you wake up.

  10. #10
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    Why do you think your problems have anything to do with diet?

    Because when I'm not dieting, I don't have the problems.

    What's your resting heart rate (just curious)?

    74 bpm

    How much cardio are you doing(I know you said twice a day, but at what intensity and duration?)

    A.M. 30 min stationary bike, with 3 periods of 3 minutes as fast as possible.

    P.M. approx 2.2 mile run in approx 20 minutes.

    I do this four days thru the week, take the day after leg day off. On the weekends I will jog/walk 5 miles either Sat or Sun, but no bike. So, Cardio 5 days per week.

    Yeah just drink a cup of coffee as soon as you wake up.

    I drink coffee along with 200 mg caffeine pill as soon as I wake up. It just makes me stumble around faster.

    Thanks for everyones input. I think I'm just going to up my carbs in the evening and see how that works.
    Last edited by elicotton; 05-25-2004 at 07:59 AM.

  11. #11
    inheritmylife's Avatar
    inheritmylife is offline Anabolic Member
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    I really dont think that adding some low gi carbs in your first two meals are going to hurt your progress so long as those meals contain no fat and you are still at or under maintenance calories.

    Oatmeal in meal 1
    Yams or brown rice in meal 2

  12. #12
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    I really dont think that adding some low gi carbs in your first two meals are going to hurt your progress so long as those meals contain no fat and you are still at or under maintenance calories.

    Oatmeal in meal 1
    Yams or brown rice in meal 2
    Actually...adding carbs in meal one will stunt the fat burning process created in the am cardio won't hurt per se, but it can slow down the results...

  13. #13
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    I really dont think that adding some low gi carbs in your first two meals are going to hurt your progress so long as those meals contain no fat and you are still at or under maintenance calories.

    Oatmeal in meal 1
    Yams or brown rice in meal 2
    Actually...adding carbs in meal one will stunt the fat burning process created in the am cardio won't hurt per se, but it can slow down the results...

  14. #14
    Diesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorpecs
    Actually...adding carbs in meal one will stunt the fat burning process created in the am cardio won't hurt per se, but it can slow down the results...

    Depends on how much time elapses between his cardio and meal 1 though.

    Correct me if I am wrong but cardio basically stops burning fat at optimum levels once your heart rate reaches normal levels.


  15. #15
    bad_man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel
    Depends on how much time elapses between his cardio and meal 1 though.

    Correct me if I am wrong but cardio basically stops burning fat at optimum levels once your heart rate reaches normal levels.

    Sort of. The studies I've read indicate that this is true, but the fat burning lags behind the change of heart rate. So, you know how it takes about 20 minutes of cardio before lipolysis starts? It also takes about 30-45 minutes to stop after your heart rate returns to normal. Considering that your heart rate returns to normal anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes after you finish (depending on your condition), lipolysis can continue for about an hour after you finish cardio.

    What is referred to above, I believe, is that there is a hypothesis that not only will a protein/fat meal not stall lipolysis, but it could in fact extend the period in which it occurs. I have yet to find any studies on the matter, but in theory it's possible.

  16. #16
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    You are about to fall off the bike because of your type of cardio.

    Slow the h*ll down, DON'T GO ALL FOR PERIODS OF 3 MINS, and only go for 30 mins. You are replicating HIIT, which is indicative of people eating carbs after (uses lots of muscle glycogen), and some even BEFORE the HIIT session!

    Up your frequency to 6-7 times per week. Go about 70% of your Max Heart Rate for a period of 45 minutes. Watch t.v., read a book, etc., it'll go by fast, you'll be burning fat, and you should feel a TON better after the session during the morning, etc.

    Make sure your fats are on par for meal 1 as well. These little changes can very well make an entire world of difference!


  17. #17
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You are about to fall off the bike because of your type of cardio.

    Slow the h*ll down, DON'T GO ALL FOR PERIODS OF 3 MINS, and only go for 30 mins. You are replicating HIIT, which is indicative of people eating carbs after (uses lots of muscle glycogen), and some even BEFORE the HIIT session!

    Up your frequency to 6-7 times per week. Go about 70% of your Max Heart Rate for a period of 45 minutes. Watch t.v., read a book, etc., it'll go by fast, you'll be burning fat, and you should feel a TON better after the session during the morning, etc.

    Make sure your fats are on par for meal 1 as well. These little changes can very well make an entire world of difference!

    We have a winner.

  18. #18
    beenie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You are about to fall off the bike because of your type of cardio.

    Slow the h*ll down, DON'T GO ALL FOR PERIODS OF 3 MINS, and only go for 30 mins. You are replicating HIIT, which is indicative of people eating carbs after (uses lots of muscle glycogen), and some even BEFORE the HIIT session!

    Up your frequency to 6-7 times per week. Go about 70% of your Max Heart Rate for a period of 45 minutes. Watch t.v., read a book, etc., it'll go by fast, you'll be burning fat, and you should feel a TON better after the session during the morning, etc.

    Make sure your fats are on par for meal 1 as well. These little changes can very well make an entire world of difference!

    To chime in my agreement on this. For years I was doing very high intensity cardio. It helped me lose weight so i kept doing it even though many people- who I respected gave me the advice that SwoleCat is now giving. I had a desperte fear that by decreasing the intensity I would gain my weight back.

    Just under a year ago, I started to cut back to the low intensity cardio. The wieght has not come back and if anything it makes it easier to gain muscle. Many of the problems that I had been experiencing related to the high intensity cardio went away, such as contant electrolye imbalances for which I had previously been compensating for through nutrtional supplements.

  19. #19
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Agreed, fitness need not always be "rough" or "demanding" , but rather just consistent!


  20. #20
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    Alright already! I'll slow down a little! But only because Swole insists! I mean, I'd rather bust my ass for nothing, but hey, yall the experts.

  21. #21
    beenie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elicotton
    Alright already! I'll slow down a little! But only because Swole insists! I mean, I'd rather bust my ass for nothing, but hey, yall the experts.
    Remember the key is to make sure you do it - every day at 45 min if possible, but to do it at a rate where you are 65-70% of your target heart rate.

  22. #22
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    Still twice daily?

  23. #23
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beenie
    Remember the key is to make sure you do it - every day at 45 min if possible, but to do it at a rate where you are 65-70% of your target heart rate.
    just wondering if you meant 65%-75% or is 75 too high? i usually keep around 70, but occasionally reach near 75. so now i want to know if i am overdoing it?

  24. #24
    JDMSilviaSpecR's Avatar
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    Everything in moderation will (in the mosy part) not hurt you but benfit you.

  25. #25
    beenie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elicotton
    Still twice daily?
    That one is a good question to which I do not know the answer. I personnaly have never done cardio twice a day, but conceptually it seems like a great idea. I shall be really interested in hearing what other board members think about low intensitit cardio twice a day- I assume you mean like two 45 minute sessions, right?

  26. #26
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    This should only be done, MAYBE, the last 2 weeks or so during a cutting endeavor when you are close to your goal. You should really be able to obtain a ripped look w/cardio once per day and a great dietary outline. Double cardio can really tear you down if you aren't careful w/it.


  27. #27
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys. I'm going to rethink my diet over the weekend, I'll be posting it in a couple of days.

  28. #28
    NeedPaintoGain's Avatar
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    Hey Swole, how do you feel about HIIT cardio in the morning on an empty stomach?? I usually do a warm up walk at 3 mph (im on a treadmill) for the first 3 minutes....then I start jogging at about 5-5.5 mph for 2 minutes, then I start doing 30 sec jogging, then 30 sec sprint (7-8 mph) then back down to jogging for 30 sec and repeat this for about 15 minutes if I can take that....

    Is this good for cardio, or do you think that the running at 70% heart rate is more effective in burning fat?? The HIIT seems to work pretty well for me, but if it means Im burning off muscle too, then i want to stop now...

  29. #29
    eggplant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeedPaintoGain
    Hey Swole, how do you feel about HIIT cardio in the morning on an empty stomach?? I usually do a warm up walk at 3 mph (im on a treadmill) for the first 3 minutes....then I start jogging at about 5-5.5 mph for 2 minutes, then I start doing 30 sec jogging, then 30 sec sprint (7-8 mph) then back down to jogging for 30 sec and repeat this for about 15 minutes if I can take that....

    Is this good for cardio, or do you think that the running at 70% heart rate is more effective in burning fat?? The HIIT seems to work pretty well for me, but if it means Im burning off muscle too, then i want to stop now...

    i suppose this has been brought up countless times..HIT cardio is a nono unless you don't mind sacrificing ur hard earned muscles..the reason for doing low intensity cardio at the recommended heart rate is to trick your body into using fat cells as energy throughout your workout, which in turns mean that you are burning fat! On the other hand, HIT is a high intensity cardio,thus you are using muscle glycogen as a direct energy source..which you definitely do not want it to happen..hope this helped clear things up a bit for yyou bro..this is a great site..and there are many great helpful bros here..try reading all the threads and posts..and you will find some answers to your questions!

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