****it this thread is pissing me off now, in a good way. You guys are **** right that I cant quit now when Im close.
Just a few ****ing weeks more argh
Thanks for the replies.
Your right swole getting ripped is serious buisness and I need to make sure I can handle it.
But what do you mean by taking it to the extremes? Dubbel the ammount of cardio?
Dangit about hunger, something is not right with me and hunger. Im ALWAYS hungry. Im talking even when bulking, I can stuff myself and within a hour it feels like Im starving and I cant keep at it like that all day long. Im "blessed" with a insane apetite. Sure makes bulking easy

The only time Im not hungry is on my eating days when I have been stuffing myself since morning and is on the verge of puking.
Now after dieting since january my hunger has taken on new peaks, its not insane anymore its homongeous. Its always like that for me when I have been dieting for a couple of months. It grows and grows and grows and infests my mind with naughty thoughts of food, food, food and more god **** food. Now after starting winny my mind has been all screwed upp to, the hunger has changed form somehow and not only does the hunger hurt now, it also depresses me horribly somedays. It sounds **** silly but somedays it feels like its not worth living if I cant enjoy good food daily. Im not gonna off myself cause Im dieting lol but I have never feelt hunger like this before, its dreadfull and I have to find some way to handle it.
Ephedra lowers the apetite somewhat but not all that much.
This apetite is what made me fat in the first place and what makes bulking horrid(but **** fun to)for me. When I let lose I eat until there is no tomorrow. I seirously think I have some kind of eating disorder
Ohh well **** that to cause its just another thing I have to break
Im gonna continue this mofo diet for a while longer, as long as I can stand it, if I cant get abs now then Il never be able to get into contest shape and Il be just another fat piece of **** whiny loser.
Usualsuspect my cardio the last 2 weeks have consisted of 2 1hour 15 minute walks a day on both training and rest days but I have cheated a bit on the diet so didnt take full advantage of that cardio ammount. Now Im going to take a 1hour 30 minute walk every morning on empty stomach on both rest and workout days, then on workout days il do 30 minutes of cardio after the workout and on non workout days Il take another walk in the evening but not quite as long.
Thanks again guys, I pray Il be able to continue without going nuts.