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Thread: Diet Help!!

  1. #1
    SAUCYgator is offline Junior Member
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    Diet Help!!

    bros,im trying my best to cut-up and get as shredded as possible. i am still eating between 200-250 grams of protein and i've quit drinking and eating complex carbs at least 6 hrs before i sleep.i also only eat about 3 or 4 meals a day because of lack of time. i do cardio at least 3 times a week. my progress is coming along slowly is there anything else you reccomend me doing. also im 6'1 217 with 13% bf. any help would be much appreciated. thanks, saucygator

  2. #2
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAUCYgator
    bros,im trying my best to cut-up and get as shredded as possible. i am still eating between 200-250 grams of protein and i've quit drinking and eating complex carbs at least 6 hrs before i sleep.i also only eat about 3 or 4 meals a day because of lack of time. i do cardio at least 3 times a week. my progress is coming along slowly is there anything else you reccomend me doing. also im 6'1 217 with 13% bf. any help would be much appreciated. thanks, saucygator

    Read the cutting sticky at the top of the page..... then live by it. It works and you will retain your lean mass if you follow it.


  3. #3
    SAUCYgator is offline Junior Member
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    just read that post...should have read it first(rookie mistake). one more ques though, what is the highest amount of protein your body will digest and process in one meal?

  4. #4
    SAUCYgator is offline Junior Member
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    just read that post...should have read it first(rookie mistake). one more ques though, what is the highest amount of protein your body will digest and process in one meal?

  5. #5
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAUCYgator
    just read that post...should have read it first(rookie mistake). one more ques though, what is the highest amount of protein your body will digest and process in one meal?

    LOL> really depends on how big you are. Sorry for laughing, this question just gets asked a lot. Most people usually stick with 50-65g of protein per meal for a nice round number.... but it really depends on how big you are and how much muscle you have.


  6. #6
    SAUCYgator is offline Junior Member
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    LMO, so what happens to the excess protein? is it used or wasted? just need some good advice.....thanks for the help

  7. #7
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAUCYgator
    LMO, so what happens to the excess protein? is it used or wasted? just need some good advice.....thanks for the help

    It depends.... excess protein I believe is usually pissed out if you are taking in another macronutrient (fat or carbs) w/ it, however in the case that you take in a massive ammount of protein there is a chance it could be converted to sugar which is not good. Just try using the typical 50-65g a meal and see how that works, then adjust from there. Honestly a good rule of thumb is 1.5-2g of protien per pound of lean body mass. So figure out what that number is, then divide it by the number of meals you are eating a day.


  8. #8
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    bro have those extra 2-3 meals. eating 3 to 4 meals alone could hurt your ripping goals. how hard is it to have a protein shake with some efa's and nuts? find the time and you could be aiding your body in getting ripped.

  9. #9
    bad_man's Avatar
    bad_man is offline Anabolic Member
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    LMO is correct, thee is currently no known way to determine how much protein you can synthesize in a single meal. There are numerous factors - lean body mass, insulin , testosterone , T3-T4 levels, etc. So for most, 50-60g is about right, while others may only synthesize 40g and otehrs can take on 90g.

  10. #10
    sniper105's Avatar
    sniper105 is offline Junior Member
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    excess protein also converts to uric acid and is usually expelled through urine. However it can also go to your joints and crystalize, then it becomes what is called gout. Gout is a very painful joint inflamation that I would never wish on anyone. When I get it, it usually lasts 3 days and on day two it is the most painful, it feels like whatever joint is effected is broken. I get it in either my knees or ankles because all four of those joints have been severely injured in the past. So be carefull of too much protein, there is no way to know if you are predisposed to Gout until you get it.

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