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Thread: diet help

  1. #1

    diet help

    ok, i'm 25,5'6" just went down from 201 @ 12%bf to 185@ 9% body fat.. yes i know that the calipers are not the most accurate, but i get measured every two weeks just to get an idea// i'm ripping up well,, all i'm missing is the two lower abs to show while i'm relaxed...i know my carbs are a lil high, but i'm very active so i figure its ok... i did not add in cardio into my dieting yet, how many days a week should i do cardio before breakfast? thanx for all the comments/help
    my intake;
    meal 1- shake 40 grams p, 30 grams carbs, 1 fat

    meal 2- 40 grams p, 30 carbs, 1 fat

    meal 3- 50 grams p, 30 carbs, 6g fat

    meal 4,5-pre workout-20 grams simple carbs and 40 grams protien
    post same thing

    meal 6- 50 grams p, 10 fat, 20 carbs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    cardio-45 mins in the morn on an empty stomach keeping your HR between 65-75% followed by a PRO/FAT meal. . check out the cutting sticky however bro. . many flaws in the diet and a better diet will help you break through the plateus

  3. #3
    i did look at all the sticky's but were should i be each day as far as fat/ carbs?

    was i way off? i mean, i'm not doing a show yet just trimming up..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    right behind ya
    Meal 6 cut the fat in your ppwo meal. Don't mix carbs/fat. Or, if you are taking in enough carbs PWO, you can scrap the carbs altogether in meal 6 and just up your fats to around 15-20g to slow digestion through the night.

  5. #5
    cool, sounds good, i'll see with what i come up with...

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