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Thread: diet ratios?? 45% confusion 54% frustration 1% progress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    In a void

    Unhappy diet ratios?? 45% confusion 54% frustration 1% progress

    Having got some advice from Bask8kase, I'm sharpening the old diet up defore trying out my first cycle. The 1st novice cycle (minus the deca) shown in the home page of looks likely.
    I know swolecat isn't too keen on the idea of calorie counting and meal planning, but that seems to work for me... better than just eating everything not nailed down.

    I'd like to throw the age-old question of 'what is a useful ratio'??
    I started with 30:60:10 (pro:carb:fat) from the advice of Keith Ellis, and I calculated from my lean body mass that I need a max of 3200 cals to get things happening in the growth department... unfortunately, no luck with this. I did get an initial boost of energy and the poundages increased at the gym but I only managed 2lb gain of lean muscle over a month with no real increases after that.

    I heard about a 40:45:15 ratio being good for lean mass gain. I know its a trial and error thing getting the right ratio, but I'd like to hear from you all to see if theres a general agreeable ratio if possible?

    If I can get this ratio thing worked out, then its a question of how much do I increase the cals/day on my 1st cycle. I heard mention of 4000/day but again, Im not too sure here.

    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    With the 30:60:10 ratio at 3200 calories, you're only getting 240g of protein. You don't list your stats, but that's likely too low. You want at least 1.5g of protein per pund of lean body mass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    great post man!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    In a void
    Quote Originally Posted by bad_man
    With the 30:60:10 ratio at 3200 calories, you're only getting 240g of protein. You don't list your stats, but that's likely too low. You want at least 1.5g of protein per pund of lean body mass.
    Firstly... big thanks to Bask8kase - you always come up with the good info.
    As for stats...
    78kgs @ 13.5% bf (as of last week)
    training 4 times a week - each body part once a week.
    eh... what other stats can I add?

    Energy levels have improved heaps since starting the meal planning but I still find Im stuck with progressing to higher weights on some exercises.
    Tried 30:55:15 but found the energy levels didnt improve and I went from 12% bf to 14%

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