Thread: My Diet.
06-21-2004, 10:20 PM #1
My Diet.
I am 20 years old (almost 21). I am 5' 7.5" at 195 pounds. I have a good amount of fat on me but a good amount of muscle as well. But I can see the beer belly taking over in a few years if i dont do anything about it now. So here is my diet. My goal to lose fat. I typically do either Cardio or lifting in the morning i rarely do both. So i devised a diet for when i do cardio and one for when i lift. Please Critique. Keep in mind that no steroids are being used. The only thing i am using is clen /eca. Thanks
Cardio in the morning
Meal 1: (after cardio)
8 egg whites
1000mg of flax seed oil (450mg of omega 3)
Meal 2:
1 can of tuna (w/hot sauce)
2400mg of Fish oil tabs
Meal 3:
Chicken (hot sauce)
1/2 Cup of oatmeal
Meal 4:
Chicken (hot sauce)
1/2 cup brown rice
Meal 5:
1 Can of tuna (hot sauce)
1000mg of flax
Meal 6:
8 egg whites
2400mg of fish oil tabs
Meal 1:
8 egg whites
1/2 Cup of oatmeal
Meal 2:
80grams of dextrose
1 Can of tuna (hot sauce)
Protein Shake
Meal 3:
Chicken (hot sauce)
1 cup oatmeal
Meal 4:
1 can of tuna (hot sauce)
1000mg of flax
Meal 5:
Chicken (Hot sauce)
2400mg fish oil tabs
Meal 6:
1 Can of tuna (hot sauce)
8 egg whites
1000mg of flax
06-22-2004, 08:22 AM #2
A couple comments...
You may want to reduce the number of pro/carb meals on your cardio days from 2 to 1. You can see how this plan goes first before you decide.
On your lifting days, don't eat tuna in meal 2. Just stick with protein shake and dextrose. You need food that can be metabolized as quickly as possible and tuna doesn't fit the bill.
06-22-2004, 08:28 AM #3
Does it matter which pro/carb meal i drop on my cardio day? Does the rest of the meals look pretty good then? and wheres a good place to buy dextrose? All i can find is two pound bags.
06-22-2004, 08:32 AM #4
Does it matter which pro/carb meal i drop on my cardio day?
Does the rest of the meals look pretty good then?
and wheres a good place to buy dextrose? All i can find is two pound bags. If you want to support the sponsors of AR, I hear that is supposed to be getting some in soon.
06-22-2004, 08:33 AM #5
thanks man...i mean bad man
06-22-2004, 08:51 AM #6
are u taking flax in a capsule form ?? cause if u are u gotta take like 14 of those suckers to get the proper amount of fat. U should just take the liquid from of flax 1 TBL spoon of that = 14 gel caps of flax.
06-22-2004, 08:54 AM #7
Good catch TOOL, I didn't notice that. Deacon, he's right, you're going to want to increase the amount of fat. I suggest ditching the tabs and buying a bottle of flax oil. 1 tablespoon = 15g.
06-22-2004, 12:29 PM #8
yeah i am taking the caps only because i couldnt find flax oil at the local supermarket
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Yes sir, when you drop your estrogen down to nothing you generally feel shitty and ache like hell. Try backin off the AI some next time.
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