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Thread: Dieting help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Dieting help.

    Ok, im 20 years old. Im 5' 9'' 175 pounds. I used to be really skinny, now my stomach sticks out further then my chest and i can't have that. My problem is maily my diet, it's very hard for me to eat good, considering i don't like alot of food, and i really can't cook. Is there anyway i could get on like meal replacement shakes, and eat like 1 or 2 meals a day? Maybe someone knows some like pre-made frozen dinner i can eat that will be satisfactory? Im sure someone has came across this problem before. Anyone got any idea's?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm sure we can help but I have a question. Are you training with wieghts or doing any cardio? If you want to lose unwanted BF then your diet will make a difference but exercise will double your capacity to get in shape. If your not doing either of the above I would recommend starting immediately. You can do cardio anytime anywhere...walking is just as good as running if you do it properly. Join a gym and if you can't or don't want to there are basic exercises you can do in your own home that will help...I'm sure there are many guys here that can make suggestions. Now, to your question...yes you can get away with eating 2-3 meals per day along with MRP's but you have to be careful when and what you eat. Low fat frozen entrees are OK but I would recommend adding additional protein to the meal in the form of chicken breasts, lean beef or shellfish. Also make sure you get a MRP that is high in protein, moderate to high carbs and moderate to low in fats. Space your meals evenly and get some type of meal into your body every 2-3 hours. This is a start, but I strongly recommend you do some research into healthy home prepared recipes and start to add variety to your diet. Let us know if you need help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Yes. I do both weight lifting and cardio, not as much cardio as i should be, but i do it. I workout 4-5 days a week. I've done a couple AS cycles, started working out 5 month ago weighing 140 pounds, i now weigh 175 have gotten up to 185. Along the way on the AS i used to eat like crazy, everything i could find. Thats where the unwanted fat came from, now im in the habbits of eating like a horse and eating everything i can find. I want to do another bulking cycle, but im affraid i will get so much unwanted fat, i will look naste. So before i do that i want to lose as much as possible. Also, while im on my next cycle i want to kinda of find a way to eat half decent to prevent the unwanted fat. Anything anyone has to say would be greatly appriciated. I tried for a while to eat clean, it just gets boring considering i don't like that many things, chicken was all i really ate, and that got boring .. fast. Thankx everyone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree with Petes comments but bro you have to have willpower.Eating clean is not a chore and as for cooking no excuse!!I live on my own and have done so for the last 4 years if I can cook anyone can and I eat pretty clean so you have no excuse!!

    Spending time in the kitchen preparing your food is just as important as going to the gym in fact probably more important.Get the diet right and good results will follow.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    John I agree with is essential if you want to be successful in building the body you want. Another key factor is cardio, cardio, me, nobody hates cardio more than me. But it is a neccessary evil. Try to vary the kinds, and types of cardio you do (treadmill, stepper, stationary bike, eliptical trainer) and always perform your cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. For the first 2 weeks do cardio 4-5 times per week @ 30 min per session. After that increase your sessions to 40-45 minutes for two weeks. For the next 4 weeks try HIIT - high intensity interval training. This form of training uses varying degrees of effort over short intervals, it elevates the heart rate and then gives a brief recovery period before elevating it again. There are many articles on the web but if you need more detail send me a PM. Bottom line is you have to be pro-active and creative with your cardio or else you will die of boredom. Oh may want to pick up a walkman, discman or MP3 player.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Damn I can't believe that I did not see this one!

    Ok John,
    I'm fixxin to give you a crash course in maintaining a good diet and everything else that you need to be successful in every aspect of your life IF you are willing to read the imfo and apply the principles.
    FIRST- Go into the members section and look up my name, there you will can locate previous post that I have made in the past. There was an article in a 2 part series called Training the Mind and Training the Mind Part 2. Print them out and beginnin reading. Your mental conditioning is as much important as your diet, or physical training. MORE SO in fact seeing how as much as 95% of all people who fall short of their physical goals do so not because their body gave up, but because they were not prepared for the mental challenge to cope with boredom,anxiety,plateaues ect.

    Second- Listen to Billy and Pete, They pretty much hit on everything although I would recommend several small meals a day instead of the average 3. You body will burn lean muscle ass if the required amount of protein is not constantly supplied to maintain it. Further more, your body at 1 to 2 meals such as you mentioned in your post will tend to store bodyfat senseing a period of famine, thus burning more Lean muscle mass to maintain itself. It is one of those prehistoric ancestral gentic traits that we all have.

    Third-- Check out the reciepe section. Beleive me if there is one thing that you can learn to do and learn to do well is cook. You will begin to look forward to going to the grocery each week. Kinda of like an adventure so to speak. (You should have heard some of the awful things thses guys would eat before this section appeared!)All of the ingredients are layed out and if there is any strange ingredients that you do not normanly come across they will be listed as to where you can find them. If not PM me and I will let you know as I post most of the reciepes but not all in this section.

    Fourth- I am working on a spread sheet that will allow anyone to fiqure out their caloric intake. It has not been posted yet as I am checking with Jason on a few copy rite laws ect but I hope to have it up soon. Use it.

    Fifth- If you have any questions post them here. Read as much as you can. I was concerned on how short a time that you have worked out before you began cycling.(5 months was'nt it) Since you have already started keep in touch with Mike, Cycleon and some of the other mods if you run into ANYTHING that does not appear the normon. Safety First. If you have any questions that you do not feel like posting to the board that are kinda personal PM me,Billy ,Pete or one of the Mods for a response.

    Given all of this you will be on your way to creating the new you that you want to achieve. Good luck, I wish you well.
    Last edited by Tobey; 10-02-2001 at 08:27 PM.

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