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Thread: quick question about frying chicken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa

    quick question about frying chicken

    hi all,

    i know that chicken is good, but fried is not. I dont have one of those super stick resistanct pans (everyone I tried has failed) so i have to use a bit of oil. I just want to check (for personal reassurance) that as long is it is little oil its okay.

    what i normally do is cut chicken breasts into cubes (about 2 breasts - 250g +-). i then put one teaspon of olive oil on them and mix it all up so all the chicken is VER LIGHTLY coated with the oil. this prevents any sticking, keeps it very moist, and also helps with spices, cause they all mix and spread so much easier with oil on.

    so is this still fine ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Stop, you're making me hungry . . .

    Absolutely fine, xenithon. And you've made the right choice by using olive oil, which is one of the healthiest.

    Now, if you like your chicken fried, here's an idea for you: oven-frying. The technique is quite simple, and works very well with boneless breasts . . .

    Take some olive oil - enough to brush on the breasts (both sides) - and put it into a small bowl. Then add your spices directly to the olive oil and mix them with a basting brush or pastry brush so that you get a slightly pasty texture. (Best spices: garlic powder, onion powder, dry mustard, ginger, and black pepper. You'll notice that I don't use salt - it's not healthy, and you don't need it.) then brush the oil and spice mixture on both sides of the chicken breasts.

    Then crunch up some corn flakes on a plate and dip the oil-brushed breasts (both sides) in the corn flake crumbs. If they're available where you are, see if you can find fruit-sweetened high fiber flake cereal instead. (Here in the States, I use Fiber 7, an organic cereal by Health Valley.) That's it; you've got your breading. Then simply bake the chicken at 350 degrees (fahrenheit) for 28 minutes. Voila: oven-fried chicken. Low in caliories, low in carbs/fats/sodium, lots of taste. And very moist - brushing the oil on and covering with flakes keeps the natural moisture in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Nice tip there TNT sounds yummy. Fried Chicken isn't all that bad as folks make it out to be, just the skin is the killer. Course I would not recommend eating fried chicken even without the skin, but if I go to a chicken place like kentucky, I eat the friend chicken breasts but take off the skin, after all, it still has the same amount of protein. The point I am trying to make here is, eat smart.

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