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Thread: Bomb Ass Chicken

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq

    Bomb Ass Chicken

    aight, to start my whole family is italian and irish, and not athletic. the exception started with my father who owns health club chains, then me. Now my grandmother was the BEST god d*mned cook around, and i miss her chicken parmagean soo much. i thought of this recipe, and it is THE BOMB. Not the healthiest choice, but its not all the bad either.

    Boneless chicken breast sliced thin
    unflavored, or vanilla whey
    grated parmagean cheese
    olive oil water

    first a few eggs in a bowl, and add a tbsp or 2 of water to thin. beat them real smooth.
    In a seperate bowl mix a few scoops of whey with some grated cheese. I dont have any actualy measurements, you jsut want enough cheese to overpower the vanilla whey taste, and make them brown nicely.

    bring olive oil in a large pan to medium high heat. make sure it is hot!

    Flop the chicken around in the whey/cheese mix, then coat it with some egg, then flop it in the cheese one more time for a final coat.

    Cook in the olive oil until brown on both sides. once done set on a plate with paper towels on it to drain the oil, set a few paper towels on top...
    If you so wish you may top them with low carb pasta sauce and some whole milk mozz cheese for a 0-very low carb, high protein, high fat(from olive oil)meal.

    not the best choice, but if you craving something, this wouldn't be a horrible pro/fat meal IMO

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    whoops, meant to post this in the recipe forum. could a mod please move it?

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