Hey there fellas! I was jsut curious if anyone had Tried Jeff Anderson's Optimum anabolics diet regime? He has some very interesting ideas, Just wondering if you guys had any feedback or personal experiences with his program? Thanks alot guys.
Hey there fellas! I was jsut curious if anyone had Tried Jeff Anderson's Optimum anabolics diet regime? He has some very interesting ideas, Just wondering if you guys had any feedback or personal experiences with his program? Thanks alot guys.
I've actually never heard of it. Specifics?
Really? Well Im not sure if I am allowed to send it to you but I would love for you to take a look. Let me know If a can send you info like that ( just becuase I paid for it ya know? Its probably illegal but i reall would like some feedback on it. lmk
If it's private information that is not supposed to be distributed, then by all means do NOT send it to me. I respect people's right to privacy, as I too have a policy against distribution of my personalized approaches.
I'm just not sure how many you'll find here who have purchased that particular program. I wasn't after specifics, I was after the gist of what it entailed.
Cool, Yeah I looked into it and I don't think it would be ok so, well basically the gist of it is that you cycle your intake of protein and carbs. For example you would eat a high protein diet for 6 weeks and then switch to a low protein diet with lots of carbs and fruits and veg. The idea is basically based upon the known fact that after one comes off of a diet they often rebound and gain more wieght then they originally lost. Jeff Anderson's idea was to deprive the body of protein for a peroid of time, which in turn, signals the body to produce more GH and testosterone than normal. Then when you start eating a high protien diet again the body utliizes it much more effecitively and, much like the weight gain crash that follows the termination of a diet, the lean muscle will pack on when the protein is rei-intoroduced into the body.
Let me know what you think. I am serioulsy considering following this program.
Thanks alot for any and all input.
By that description, no thanks.
I can ill-afford to ever reduce protein to a "low protein" approach. The boost in GH and test (which is debatable until Christmas) d*mn sure isn't going to be significant at all, and definitely NOT enough to counteract what dropping protein to "low" levels while eating lots of carbs and fruit will do to my lean mass, shape, bodyfat ratio, etc.,, that's hilarious. If one is to "magically" gain all that is lost back, w/some sort of super-compensation of sorts, good luck w/that. I'd just continually utilize a different approach to never have to take a step back like that to TRY and take two forward. I'd take two forward the entire time.
Like I said, this is only my take on it, but you'd never see me do anything like this. Protein cycling was a topic that was hot 10 years ago, then people realized that there isn't much to it. It's not like carbs where you can take it out and replace it w/fat for fuel. If you do, bye bye lean muscle mass.
Cool, thanks for the input bro, It is much appreciated![]()
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