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Thread: A little help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    A little help?

    Hey guys,

    Ive been lifting for two years now with very little gains. Im 18 years old 6'2 and weigh 215 pounds and about 20% BF. I know it may seem as though i am kinda muscular but really its all in my bone structure, fat and leg muscles; I have huge legs. However my upperbody is WAY out of proportion with my arms looking like bones. I only can bench around 145 pounds right now. I have tried differnt diets but none of them really seemed to work. Earlier I was on a diet of around 2,500 callories but really i didnt seem to gain any mucscle, but just got fat. I then tired eating around 2,800 callories over the summer since building muscle would is a main concern right now but all i did was gain fat...again, around 20 pounds and my bench press didnt increase at all . Obviosuly I have a VERY slow metabolism and my body just doesnt want to gain upper body muscle, but i know i can gain muscle cause my legs are huge, but they've always been that way probally since i used to be really fat, carrying all that weight around would do that to your legs. So i have no idea what to do now, cause if i eat more ill just get fat and if i eat less ill probally not gain any more muscle. Ive thought of going on steroids, but after researching I should probally wait until im at least 21 and have gained a better upperbody build.

    Can u guy offer any help?

  2. #2
    I dont think steroids are the way to go just yet, if you make that decision. what do you eat in a usual day or week. Then post a message on the weight lifting board on what your workout looks like. All we know right now is you're 18, you eat 2500-2800 calories, and you dont look or feel how you want. Do this and you'll probably get some good answers.

    Later dude,

    Last edited by max2extreme; 08-26-2004 at 04:46 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    At the gym
    Give a full list of everything, from food (what you eat, when you eat it, and how much of it you eat) to training schedule and exercises, sets and reps in workouts. Any cardio? Do this and other members will be able to give you a lot more help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mcvays1

    Can u guy offer any help?
    Read the stickes atop the page with the big red IMPORTANT! pasted to them.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    Yeah it sounds like your not eating nearly enough I know I eat
    3400 calories aday and gaining weight has never really been a
    problem for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well the reason why i dont eat so many callories, like suggested by the how to bulk guide(i did read it btw) is because by eating only around 2,800 callories, I'm already gaining ALOT of fat, very quickly. Im scared if i go up to what it suggests, over 4,000 callories, i would gain WAY too much fat. Right now im on a cutting diet with cardio trying to get off the weight, but i want to figure out why my body isnt gaining muscle before I start again. I know that amount of callories may not seem to be enough, but then why would i gain so much fat. Maybe it is in what I eat, and maybe i need to add in cardio during a bulking diet since my metabolism is so slow.

    My diet wasnt too precise, but i tired to eat 7 times a day every 2 1/2 hours, making sure i ate at least my body weight in protein which was at least 35 grams at each meal and 400 callories(which adds up to 2,800 callories for 7 meals), with some carbs almost at every meal and fats that were only at every other meal. I didnt really make this diet too precise just the grams of protein and callories. Im also not on any supplements, since ive heard they dont work anyways.

    Lifting I do three times a week. When I do a rep i go 1 sec up and 3 seconds down on every one. I start out with a warm up with very light weight. Next i increase the weight so i can do 8-10 reps to failure, increase weight again so im doing 6-8 reps, increase again so 4-6 reps then again at 2-4 reps.

    Monday Triceps, chest, forarms, abs
    4 sets benchpress
    1 superset of chest flys
    4 sets dips
    1 superset Tri pulldowns
    4 sets forarm curls
    4 sets 20-crunches
    WED Quades, calves, abs
    4 sets squats
    1 superset leg curls
    4 sets calf raises (my calves are huge)
    4 sets 20-crunches

    Fri Bicepts, shoulder, abs
    4 sets EZ-bar standing curls
    4 superset incline hammercurls (after each EZ-bar set)
    4 sets Overhead Presses
    1 superset side dumbell raises
    4 sets 20-crunches

    I have to go to class now, if u want i can be alittle more in depth about my diet.
    Thanks for all your help guys
    Last edited by mcvays1; 08-26-2004 at 08:39 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    O one more thing before I go, How much weight should i be gaining and how quickly. Also how much lifting weight should I increase by each week?
    Last edited by mcvays1; 08-26-2004 at 08:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

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