anybody else eat peanut butter? i eat it all the time, what's everybody else think about it. good or bad?
anybody else eat peanut butter? i eat it all the time, what's everybody else think about it. good or bad?
Bought some yesterday have not eaten it for years but going to use it in some of Tobeys recipes!Looks OK depends on how much you eat I think it has around 50g of fat every 100g so you would not want too much!
depends what tpye you get but i love it when im bulkin in my protein shakes with oats/peanut butter/isolate and non fat milk tastes great not to much caturated fat in it so its cool
When i do buy it, i get the low fat stuff. Man i love all food, eating is not a problem for me. When people say they do not like eating so much they suck. I am doing my cycle in Nov, Dec, cause these are 2 really goog eating months, shit i think i doAS cause i love to eat. If i eat, i can gain wieght naturally, cause of my metab.. This is why i have to do 30-40min of cardio 6 days a week. Sorry i got carried away here. Oh, right now, i only eat what my bodt will metabolise and burn in one given day, which is not much.. i do not over eat right now, i am 168lb Not one person has said i look any less than 180 w/out a pump. shit here i go again.
I did not mean to fuck up your thread, peace. I should have started my own. EAT EAT e At
When I'm being sharp with my diet I only use all natural peanut butter. It's not the fat that's bad for you, it's all the sugar and salt found in brand name peanut butter (Kraft, Skippy, Jiff etc...). I tablespoon of natural PB has 13g of fat (about the same as flax seed oil) but it is unsaturated and comes from the peanuts. It makes a nice treat when you are super strict about your diet, works great in low fat cooking (check out Tobeys recipes) and is a nice addition to a chocolate protein shake (try that as well).
i love it and eat it everymorning, the fat in it gives me awsome energy.
it feels great. I beleive that you cant really build mass with a low fat diet, this is why i supply my diet with some fat, peanut butter is an exellent source.
i'm glad to hear this. i LOVE pb and could not eliminate it from my diet even i tried
personally i dont even buy pb. Mainly because I love it soo much that if its in my apartment. It will last about a day before I gorge it all down. If you have the will power it is a great source fats. Personally I take it flax seed oil. I dont have to worry about chugging the whole bottle down at once.
I eat it instead of flax seed oil some times, taists better too. Like pete said its all omega 3 fat which can inprove cutting and is good for your joints.
I don't eat alot of PB. Man you guys must be constipated as hell? geezum. I have always stayed away from PB, cause of the Fat.
Peanut butter is an essential fat. Fat doesn't make you fat, an excess of unused calories results in fat storgae.
You nailed it Pete235. Go with the natural PB>Adams, Laura Scutters, taste good- good for you.Originally posted by Pete235
When I'm being sharp with my diet I only use all natural peanut butter. It's not the fat that's bad for you, it's all the sugar and salt found in brand name peanut butter (Kraft, Skippy, Jiff etc...). I tablespoon of natural PB has 13g of fat (about the same as flax seed oil) but it is unsaturated and comes from the peanuts. It makes a nice treat when you are super strict about your diet, works great in low fat cooking (check out Tobeys recipes) and is a nice addition to a chocolate protein shake (try that as well).
Okay, you guys just made me second guess Peanut butter.. okay I am gerin to the sto and grab some and check it out.. Good idea bout the peanut butter in a shake.. hmmm all kinda of wonders.. Wonder if my girlfriend will mind if I put some on her.. oppps was I supposed to say that here? Oh well.. it's said... heee haa....
Sicilian you sick fuck......Wait a minute Peanut butter hhhhmmmmmmm That sounds like a something I can add to my diet for a late night snack. On second thought thanks for the advice Bro.
And on the Seventh Day God created peanut butter...........
Yeah Peanut Butter is high in protien and in fat. I'm not sure but I beklieve that creamy peaut butter has more sugar in it than crunchy. I believe that I have a reciepe somewhere for homemade peanut butter. Gonna see if I can find it and post it in the reciepe section for you guys. And gals, (did not mean to leave you out Ms Figure and Bert)
Natural peanut butter would be one of the better choices.
Originally posted by MsFit
Natural peanut butter would be one of the better choices.
That's what I get. I like the crunchy personally. All natural and unsalted. Regular P butter has all kinds of preservatives. Also salt makes you retain water and none of us want that.
Well hell, all of us here were letting our creative juices flow, mine just went alittle south with the peanut butter on the girlfriend thing. Besides, she thinks it is too sticky.. oppps.. there i go again..
I eat the low fat peanut butter when i get home from my workouts. I usally eat it on whole wheat toast. Its give your muscles back some slow burning carbs. Its a pretty healthy meal and it taste great.
Natural peanut butter rules. Good protein, good fat, no sugar and no hydroginated oils!
I got a good recipe for some bomb ass Thai chicken with peanut butter and peanuts if you want it I'll post it.
Post away my iron brother. Just go to the recipe section of the diet forum. What am I telling you this already know it.
I posted some Peanut butta Thai chicken in the recipe section.
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