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Thread: Check out my diet...(thoughts on cycle)....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Question Check out my diet...(thoughts on cycle)....

    Since the diet is the main factor for gains on a cycle take a look at mine and tell me what you think. I am still learning as to what I should try for my first cycle. I'm 28years old 5'10 and 164 lbs...( keep in mind I am trying to stay lean as possible)

    Wake up: NOX3 plus FlaxSeed Oil and one tablespoon of L-Carnitine

    Breakfast: Oatmeal(4oz) or some other form of carb.
    2 scoops Isopure Protein (50grams)

    Lunch: Large Portien of Meat with two carbs

    Snack: Piece of Fruit
    2 scoops Isopure Protein(50g)
    Flax Seed Oil

    Dinner: Whatever I want usually large meat with veggies

    Pre-Workout: NOX3 and 5 grams Creatine


    Post Workout: 2 scoops Isopure(50g) with 5 grams Creatine and tablespoon L-Carnitine

    Bedtime 8 hours sleep

    Any suggestions on diet or first cycle?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    check out the stickys bro, but your close.
    get ride of the flax when you "wake up"
    dump the fruit
    add dextrose in PWO shake
    have and PostPWO meal with carbs in it


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