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  1. #1
    xenithon is offline Member
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    Postworkout questions??

    Hi All,

    I have 2 questions about postworkout:

    1. IS it true that you should have a meal of quick acting protein and high glycemic carbs straight after workout, and then a proper meal about 1hr later?? Some people say its like that, others say you have the protein/carb straight afterward and that actually counts as the meal, so thhe next meal should only by 2-3hrs later. Which one is better? (proper meal 1hr later or 2-3hrs later)

    2. Is myoplex good post-workout?? The reason I think it is (and just want to verify) is that it has a good amount of whey, as well as other proteins, plus the major source of carbs in it is maltodextrin which has a GI of 105 which is VERY HIGH, and thus should be good post workout. (only has about 25g carbs so another source might be added to bump it up to 50 or 60 depending on your carb restrictions).

  2. #2
    Core's Avatar
    Core is offline Junior Member
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    Its a good idea to get some protein in you ASAP after a workout. I actually have protein during my workout. I have a RTD drink instead of water which is 40g of protein. Then right after, I have some Glutamine and eat about 1 hr after I workout. No way I could wait 2-3 hrs, I'm starving

  3. #3
    superbeast's Avatar
    superbeast is offline Member
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    There is about 1/2 hr "window" after your workout where your muscles are thirsting for nutrients. You should take in protein and carbs at this time. You should also eat another meal about an hour later. I don't feel like going into great detail but this is definately ideal.

    Myoplex is fine. As you said, you probably need to add some more carbs to it for a post workout drink.

  4. #4
    9natural9's Avatar
    9natural9 is offline Banned
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    good question, been wondering myself

  5. #5
    xzoomzx's Avatar
    xzoomzx is offline Associate Member
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    i take trac rite after i finish my workout when should i have my protein shake how long after my creatine for best results?

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