If I'm 220 lbs. and I take a protein blend before I go to bed, how many tbsp of flax should I take with it? Right now I'm taking 1 (14 g), is that enough?
Also, right now I'm taking Muscle Milk for my bedtime shake but over the last week since starting taking it, I noticed I put on a little fat in my stomach. Would a better choice for a bedtime shake be Micellean Protein by VPX? It doesn't have anywhere near the carbs, sugars, or calories that Muscle milk has. And it has more protein. Plus Muscle Milk has maltodextrin in it and that's not good to take before bed if you're trying to cut. Anyone ever use this product? I'm in a cutting phase right now.
Lastly, for my weight (220 lbs.) what is the general rule of thumb for how much healthy fats I should be taking in with my pro/fat meals? Right now I'm at 12-15 g of healthy EFA's per pro/fat meal. I also understand for the bedtime shake you can take a little more because your body will be asleep and without food for longer. Is that correct?