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  1. #1
    yannick32's Avatar
    yannick32 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004

    Unhappy Why should i eat incomplete proteins ?

    Hi everyone, i know this is old news or something but i have read bodyopus, not doing the diet btw but just wondering.

    Dan says to eat 30% of your total protein from whey , 20% from eggs, 20% from milk and other dairy, and 15% from tuna and chicken.

    Now i have modified my diet to fit my protein needs and to avoid fat gains or any unwanted weight.

    I plan to take in 3 whey shakes a day that would total close to 90g of protein a day, also eat 2 wholes eggs a day 12g there, and i do plan to incorporate chicken and tune.

    I was just wondering cause most of the post here say to eat protein and not drink it, which got me a bit confused since most protein eaten has low bv value.

  2. #2
    cb25's Avatar
    cb25 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2003
    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick32
    I was just wondering cause most of the post here say to eat protein and not drink it, which got me a bit confused since most protein eaten has low bv value.
    this is untrue...biological value is based on the amino acid profile...has nothing to do with solid vs. liquid, etc.

    protein from meat sources, dairy (whey, casein), etc are all high BV. things like legumes (beans, etc) are low BV.

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