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Thread: Negatives of Empty Stomach Cardio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The Grotto

    Negatives of Empty Stomach Cardio

    Please tell me what you thin about this.....

    One of the best ways to burn fat is to build muscle. The more muscle you have the higher both your resting and active metabolic rates will be. You'll burn more calories and more fat even while you are sleeping.

    I make this clear because even though fat burning is your primary goal, building muscle is the best way to achieve this. With this being pointed out, you can now appreciate that what you do first thing in the morning dictates how effectively you burn fat.

    You see, when you wake up in the morning you are entering (or you are already in) a catabolic state. A serious catabolic state. You're losing muscle. Your priority at this time is to supply your muscles a fast acting nitrogen source to halt the catabolism and ignite anabolism - muscle growth. When you wake up you have just endured a 6, 8, or even a 10 hour fasting. Your muscles have had no nutrients, and no protein over an extended amount of time. The last thing you want to do is enter an intense cardio session under this catabolic condition. Like I said, this is a guaranteed way to lose lean muscle. Your body will burn muscle more so than fat under these metabolic conditions.

    As I have outlined in the past, the first thing you want to do when you wake up is get some protein to your muscles. You should literally be drinking a VP2 shake even before you are fully awake. It's that important. It's important for preserving and building lean muscle and it's vitally important for burning fat.

    So if you want to schedule your cardio in the morning here's what you do - Drink a serving VP2 Whey Isolate as soon as you wake up (not after you take a shower, but immediately after you wake up - This is imperative). You can then schedule your cardio 30 minutes after drinking down your VP2.

    Remember that building muscle is very important in the fat burning process. So, how you eat, sleep, weight train, and do cardio all work synergistically in burning body fat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The Grotto


    The problems I see right away is that you building muscle wont rid the bodyfat that you already have. So if you are going to try to lose have to be willing to lose muscle as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Any experts care to chime in on this one?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    No, not for the 145498th time, I'm exhausted.

    In a nutshell, it's catabolic if you have no idea how to eat correctly to support anabolism, a positive nitrogen balance, and lean muscle mass.

    Thank you and goodnight.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    then why not do cardio 7 times a week?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by mcvays1
    then why not do cardio 7 times a week?
    why not? when i'm cutting I do

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    To each his own. Once again this is a topic where people seem to say either: do AM cardio to lose weight or else you will remain fat forever. It seems to be very black and white. As has been pointed out it is far more complex than that and the overall diet is far more important than whether you have 20g of protein in you before cardio or not!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    TRy taking a few aminos and/or some glutamine b4 your morning cardio.Also have a shake in the middle of the night when you wake up to take a piss (dont wake up because of it), then you shouldn't be so catabolic. But like you said, if you want to get cut you'll have to sacrifice SOME muscle. I have a saying in my country, the translation would be : "You can't take a fart and clench your ass at the same time." Crazy place I live in

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    This is what WARRIOR has to say on the subject, and I think it pretty much sums it up.

    If you are trying to lose bodyfat it is beneficial way to get your body to burn just that - fat. Because you have not eaten in a looooong time insulin levels are on the floor and your body can go straight to burning bodyfat, instead of glucose. Moderate intesity for times around 30 minutes is best. If you were to perform aerobic training above your target heart rate at a higher intensity then yes - your body would need to make more glucagen and start strippping at muscle tissue (catabolism).

    Some do insist on a scoop of protein powder prior to morning cardio, the aminos would help protect muscle wasting and the very little if any carbs would still allow fast transfer to burning fat. And that is a good reasoning. However your body can turn that scoop of protein into glycogen very easily (and start burning that as an easier source of energy, unlike stored fat) - so keep your training intensity at about 60-70 percent of your maximimum heart rate to avoid your body from wanting to. Breakfast would always need to follow soon after a morning cardio session, or at least a recovery drink before hitting the shower.

    If adding aerobic conditioning into your resistance program that is not goaled toward fat loss is what you want, then doing it on it's own day or seperate from resistance work is best (after you have grabbed some chow sometime during the day), otherwise short durations before (a good 15 minute warm up) or after your workout... if you choose after, this also needs to be limited much like the warm up because now you are on the other side of the training tracks - your body needs food to begin repair from the resistance training.

    Basically, first thing in the morning is the best for fat loss because your body can go straight into burning fat when working out at your target heart (60-70 percent of (220 minus your age)) rate. However this is best used in conjunction with a deffinition, or cutting phase - when gaining more muscle isn't as much the focus is as preserving it. But it depends on somotype too - an endomorph would benefit from more aerobic training and deffintly the morning sessions, where as an ectomorph should limit it.

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