Please tell me what you thin about this.....
One of the best ways to burn fat is to build muscle. The more muscle you have the higher both your resting and active metabolic rates will be. You'll burn more calories and more fat even while you are sleeping.
I make this clear because even though fat burning is your primary goal, building muscle is the best way to achieve this. With this being pointed out, you can now appreciate that what you do first thing in the morning dictates how effectively you burn fat.
You see, when you wake up in the morning you are entering (or you are already in) a catabolic state. A serious catabolic state. You're losing muscle. Your priority at this time is to supply your muscles a fast acting nitrogen source to halt the catabolism and ignite anabolism - muscle growth. When you wake up you have just endured a 6, 8, or even a 10 hour fasting. Your muscles have had no nutrients, and no protein over an extended amount of time. The last thing you want to do is enter an intense cardio session under this catabolic condition. Like I said, this is a guaranteed way to lose lean muscle. Your body will burn muscle more so than fat under these metabolic conditions.
As I have outlined in the past, the first thing you want to do when you wake up is get some protein to your muscles. You should literally be drinking a VP2 shake even before you are fully awake. It's that important. It's important for preserving and building lean muscle and it's vitally important for burning fat.
So if you want to schedule your cardio in the morning here's what you do - Drink a serving VP2 Whey Isolate as soon as you wake up (not after you take a shower, but immediately after you wake up - This is imperative). You can then schedule your cardio 30 minutes after drinking down your VP2.
Remember that building muscle is very important in the fat burning process. So, how you eat, sleep, weight train, and do cardio all work synergistically in burning body fat.