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Thread: diet critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    diet critique

    Meal #1- 6:00am

    6 Egg whites
    1 cup oatmeal / 1cup skim milk
    1 scoop whey / 1cup skim milk

    Pro-65g / Cal-532 / Carb-57g / Fat-5g

    Meal #2 9:30am

    12 egg whites
    1cup dry roasted peanuts

    Pro-70g / cal-878 / Carb-28 / Fat 56g

    Meal#3 12:00pm

    2scoop whey/2cups skim milk
    2 turkey sandwich/wheat bread / cheese

    Pro-111g / cal 1048 / Carb 97g / Fat -33g

    Meal#4 4:30pm

    1scoop whey / 1cup skim
    1/4 cup peanuts

    Pro-37 / Cal-378 / Carb-27 / Fat-16

    WORKOUT- 5-6pm

    Meal #5 6:30pm

    8oz. Chicken Breast

    Pro-66 / Cal-609 / Carb-47 / Fat-17

    Meal#6 8:30pm

    2scoop whey/2 cup skim

    Pro-60 / Cal-416 / Carb-35 / Fat 4

    TOTAL : Protien 409g / Calories 3900 / Carbs 290g / Fat 131g

    I want to this diet now to bulk , around janurary ill be on my second cycle :
    Anadrol , Test , EQ , Winny . By that time i should be able to tune it up and add more if possable .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    height? weight? BF?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You need a pwo shake and ppwo meal. PWO-all protein and carbs, ideally dextrose. 2:1 ratio of dextrose to whey protein. 1 hour after that eat protein and carbs.You can use meal 5 as ppwo meal, for pwo, you got 15 minutes to drink your dex and whey after your last rep.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dalcowbag
    height? weight? BF?

    maybe 10-12% BF

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by larry3436
    Meal #1- 6:00am

    6 Egg whites
    1 cup oatmeal / 1cup skim milk
    1 scoop whey / 1cup skim milk

    Pro-65g / Cal-532 / Carb-57g / Fat-5g

    Meal #2 9:30am

    12 egg whites
    1cup dry roasted peanuts

    Pro-70g / cal-878 / Carb-28 / Fat 56g

    Meal#3 12:00pm

    2scoop whey/2cups skim milk
    2 turkey sandwich/wheat bread / cheese

    Pro-111g / cal 1048 / Carb 97g / Fat -33g

    Meal#4 4:30pm

    1scoop whey / 1cup skim
    1/4 cup peanuts

    Pro-37 / Cal-378 / Carb-27 / Fat-16

    WORKOUT- 5-6pm

    Meal #5 6:30pm

    8oz. Chicken Breast

    Pro-66 / Cal-609 / Carb-47 / Fat-17

    Meal#6 8:30pm

    2scoop whey/2 cup skim

    Pro-60 / Cal-416 / Carb-35 / Fat 4

    TOTAL : Protien 409g / Calories 3900 / Carbs 290g / Fat 131g

    I want to this diet now to bulk , around janurary ill be on my second cycle :
    Anadrol , Test , EQ , Winny . By that time i should be able to tune it up and add more if possable .

    man i would definately suggest more real food. you seem to rely on nuts skim milk and whey protien. eat some steak. if your bulking i reckon you need more carbs. cut the fat and increase the carbs. or just increase the carbs. **** im 200lbs and i eat about 350 protien 400 carbs 100 fat.

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