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Thread: late night meal will this make me fat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    late night meal will this make me fat?

    Lately my meal planing has been a bit ****ed upp. I have NO apetite during the day whatsoever. Can even feel nasueous if I consume a meal and I dont know why.
    So I start the day with a oatmeal/protein shake(to lasy to prepare the oatmeal), Then a couple of tuna shakes, then another oatmeal/whey shake. Basicly the first 4-5 meals of the day is just shakes. But I consider the tuna shake more as a meal then a shake cause the protein must be pretty slow digesting. In the tuna shakes I also add a good amount of whole flax seeds to get fibers and a tabelspoon of flax oil.

    Anyway I go to sleep at around 04:00 every night and around 01:00 I get this INSANE apetite(mostly caused by one of my sleep meds) so then I usualy make a big ass pro/fat meal. most often a ****load of chicken+250g keso(4%fat cottage cheese)+a couple of slices of ordinary cheese+a small amount of any other meat I can find to eat aswell(mostly roastbeef). That one meal usualy contains like 80-120g protein if not more and I guess something like 30+g fat.

    Will consuming that big meal at night time make me fatter then if I consumed it mid day(split into 2 meals) and did tuna shakes before beed instead??

    I like the big meal cause I cant sleep well if Im hungry and I have such horrible insomnia that every little thing counts But if it will make me fat then Il drop it

    I eat 400+g protein/day and anywhere betwen 2500-3000kcal/day and obviously that big meal is like 1/4 of my daily kcal and protein consumption....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I think you should stay with what your eating but eat a little less of it. Like 50g protein and 15-20g of fat. Tuna shake would also be cool. I wouldnt however recommend carbs in that meal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You get hungry also because you are drinking liquid pussy all day.

    Try some solid meals during the day, better for the metabolism anyway.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Il give it a try.

    Does anyone know what can cause nasuea when eating? and any way to get rid of it? Maby Il just pop the apetite increaseing sleep pil in the morning to but a low dosages to spike apeteite during the day.

    I have heard loss of aptetite and nausea can be becuase of liver strain but I havent been bashing it to bad lately

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    tuna/protein shake, thats just wrong

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I prefer tuna/diet coke in a blender!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    a building
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    I prefer tuna/diet coke in a blender!
    reminds me of me and my friends when we were like 10, we'd find the nastiest foods we could find in ur house and just put them in a blender turn it to liquid. we dared one of my other friends to drink it, he put it near his face and just from smelling it made him gag and almost yummy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    1 60 gram post workout shake a day only over this way, getting all the protien from food is tough but it can be done, and God I am so much stronger in the gym when the protien is from food!!!!

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