Lately my meal planing has been a bit ****ed upp. I have NO apetite during the day whatsoever. Can even feel nasueous if I consume a meal and I dont know why.
So I start the day with a oatmeal/protein shake(to lasy to prepare the oatmeal), Then a couple of tuna shakes, then another oatmeal/whey shake. Basicly the first 4-5 meals of the day is just shakes. But I consider the tuna shake more as a meal then a shake cause the protein must be pretty slow digesting. In the tuna shakes I also add a good amount of whole flax seeds to get fibers and a tabelspoon of flax oil.
Anyway I go to sleep at around 04:00 every night and around 01:00 I get this INSANE apetite(mostly caused by one of my sleep meds) so then I usualy make a big ass pro/fat meal. most often a ****load of chicken+250g keso(4%fat cottage cheese)+a couple of slices of ordinary cheese+a small amount of any other meat I can find to eat aswell(mostly roastbeef). That one meal usualy contains like 80-120g protein if not more and I guess something like 30+g fat.
Will consuming that big meal at night time make me fatter then if I consumed it mid day(split into 2 meals) and did tuna shakes before beed instead??
I like the big meal cause I cant sleep well if Im hungry and I have such horrible insomnia that every little thing countsBut if it will make me fat then Il drop it
I eat 400+g protein/day and anywhere betwen 2500-3000kcal/day and obviously that big meal is like 1/4 of my daily kcal and protein consumption....