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Thread: whats the best breakfast?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    whats the best breakfast?

    mmkay i just did my cardio 45 mins intense walkin keeping in my heart rate though.. anyway im on cycle winny eq test prop and im a bit confused about what i should have after my cardio .. i know that i should do it on an empty stomache but i have coffee just to wake up.. cant drive bein that sleepy :P and i know i should wait 45 mins after cardio before i consume anything *would this include water?/protein shake? or just food?* (part one not understanding) another part is um whats an ideal meal its 8:45 am ..i got the following i was hoping someone would help me figure out a meal after cardio?
    1.protein powder *maxpro 30g per scoop
    2.tuna in water
    3.cabbage *red/white
    4.bran bread (toast cut shaped ones says intended for diabetics w00t lol)
    5.oat meal *quakers
    6.kellogs cornflakes *no sugar kind i dunno would it be ok just bought it
    7.heinz spagetti canned
    13.sweet potato
    14. MUSTARDDDDDDDDD lol plenty of it :P

    basically i have a diet kitchen :P but if u got anything else i should get letme know .. ill leave it to u pro's whats a good meal after cardio from those foods available..??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by Phatso
    mmkay i just did my cardio 45 mins intense walkin keeping in my heart rate though.. anyway im on cycle winny eq test prop and im a bit confused about what i should have after my cardio .. i know that i should do it on an empty stomache but i have coffee just to wake up.. cant drive bein that sleepy :P and i know i should wait 45 mins after cardio before i consume anything *would this include water?/protein shake? or just food?* (part one not understanding) another part is um whats an ideal meal its 8:45 am ..i got the following i was hoping someone would help me figure out a meal after cardio?
    1.protein powder *maxpro 30g per scoop
    2.tuna in water
    3.cabbage *red/white
    4.bran bread (toast cut shaped ones says intended for diabetics w00t lol)
    5.oat meal *quakers
    6.kellogs cornflakes *no sugar kind i dunno would it be ok just bought it
    7.heinz spagetti canned
    13.sweet potato
    14. MUSTARDDDDDDDDD lol plenty of it :P

    basically i have a diet kitchen :P but if u got anything else i should get letme know .. ill leave it to u pro's whats a good meal after cardio from those foods available..??
    keep it simple, just have a protein/fat meal to keep lipolysis going. the possibilities are endless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    kewl thanx

  4. #4
    i have to disagree with you spoon
    after cardio in the am its best to have something to restore your GI levels, i personally have oats after every morning cardio.
    about the fat/pro meal, not much there is going to help you.
    i suggest carb/pro meal, i.e. oats/lean protein.
    my 2 cents.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    There is nothing wrong w/protein fat, nor w/protein/carbs.

    To each his own dependent upon the goals. I utilize protein/fat myself.

    I have no idea what restoring "GI levels" is. GI is the glycemic index of foods.


  6. #6
    yes please explain what thta means, did you mean glucose.

  7. #7
    yes im sorry i did mean glucose levels.
    i dont know what the hell i was thinking.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Phatso
    mmkay i just did my cardio 45 mins intense walkin keeping in my heart rate though.. anyway im on cycle winny eq test prop and im a bit confused about what i should have after my cardio .. i know that i should do it on an empty stomache but i have coffee just to wake up.. cant drive bein that sleepy :P and i know i should wait 45 mins after cardio before i consume anything *would this include water?/protein shake? or just food?* (part one not understanding) another part is um whats an ideal meal its 8:45 am ..i got the following i was hoping someone would help me figure out a meal after cardio?
    1.protein powder *maxpro 30g per scoop
    2.tuna in water
    3.cabbage *red/white
    4.bran bread (toast cut shaped ones says intended for diabetics w00t lol)
    5.oat meal *quakers
    6.kellogs cornflakes *no sugar kind i dunno would it be ok just bought it
    7.heinz spagetti canned
    13.sweet potato
    14. MUSTARDDDDDDDDD lol plenty of it :P

    basically i have a diet kitchen :P but if u got anything else i should get letme know .. ill leave it to u pro's whats a good meal after cardio from those foods available..??
    First i must ask why are you taking gear if you do not have your diet down 100%?

    Second, i would do a pro/fat meal 45m after cardio. But like said above, pro/carb would be ok but of course choose a slow burning carb like Oats.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 12-15-2004 at 01:36 PM.

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