hey everyone,
i have a 7-8% bodyfat right now, i have been on a cutt diet for 7 weeks, and have 4 weeks to go to the end.
i am disappointed with the definition in my arms and calves especially.
i asked a few trainers at a local fitness store, and my gym.. they gave me the same answer to my 'problem'..
they said, your definition may be lacking because of water retention buildup under the skin. (3 people gave me the same answer)
although i have not used creatine since i began this diet.
does anyone know how i can rid of this retained water under the skin, so that my decent bodyfat percentage can show the quality muscle i work so hard for.
any products? exercises? diet related things that i can do to improve my definition?
hopefully some of you can help me out on this one,
thanks everybody!