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Thread: Bulking Diet, please critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Bulking Diet, please critique

    Stats: 5'11", 175 lbs, between 16-18% body fat. I'm trying to bulk up and put on some lean muscle mass, with a goal of about 20 pounds. My BMR is 1909, requiring 3125 calories: 69g fat, 312g carbs, 312g protein. I created this diet and feel like I'm a step closer in the right direction than my last post (thx for the advice SC!). Now, I will be throwing in some green veggies as well, such as celery and lettuce. My main concern is that i'm won't be getting enough of the right kinds of carbs when I need them. I know theres a lot of talk about protein bars as well - any advice is welcome. Here is the diet, everything in Cals/Fats/Carbs/Pro.

    Meal 1 Pro/Carb
    Whey 1 scoop 110 2 3 23
    Egg Whites 8 whites 132 0 3 28
    Skim Milk 2 cups 180 0 26 18
    Oatmeal 1/2 cup 150 3 27 5

    Meal 2 Pro/Fat
    Turkey 4 slices 120 0 26 20
    Whey 1 scoop 110 2 3 23
    Skim Milk 1 cup 90 0 13 9

    Meal 3 Pro/Carb
    Whole Wheat Bread 2 slices 100 2 20 8
    Tuna 1 can 150 2 0 33
    Miracle Whip 1 tbsp 25 2 3 0

    Meal 4 Pro/Fat
    Peanut Butter 2 tbsp 210 16 6 8
    Detour Bar 1 bar 170 6 15 15

    Meal 5 PWO
    Whey 2 scoops 220 4 6 46
    Skim Milk 1 cup 90 0 13 9
    Dextrose 1/2 cup 300 0 75 0

    Meal 6 PPWO
    Chicken 3 oz 105 3 0 15
    Rice 1/2 cup 150 1 33 4

    Meal 7 Pro/Fat
    Eggs, whole 2 eggs 150 10 2 12
    Whey 1 scoop 110 2 3 23
    Skim Milk 1 cup 90 0 13 9

    Meal 8 Before Bed
    Whey 1 scoop 110 2 3 23
    Skim Milk 1 cup 90 0 13 9
    Banana 1 banana 93 0 24 1
    Flax Oil 1 tbsp 125 14 0 0

    Total: 3180 cals, 71g fat, 330g carbs, 341g pro.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i would get rid of the skim milk all together. Have more oats in the morn, but not the milk, its jsut sugar.

    also you might want to switch that detour bar with a shake or a solid food, they have tons of Sugar ALchohals and looooow quailty protein


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Okay, that sounds good. I suppose if I did that I could have a cup of oatmeal in the morning and, at night, have a cup of rice instead of half. Thanks a lot!

    Anything else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Oh yah, how many scoops of protein should I have during the day? I know that its better to have the solid food, but at most should I have 6? Cause that would be the case if I swapped out the bar for a shake.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    6 is good, thats what i have 50% of the time. . . .2 for meal 1, 2 for PWO, and 2 b4 bed. . . your straight


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    personally i'd eat every 3 hours, the more times you eat during the day the faster your metabolism becomes.

    i'd just eat 6 BIG meals through out the day every 3 hours, and 1 shake immediatly after work out.

    morning 7am(meal1) 10 am(meal2) 1pm(meal3) - (shake after gym)- 4pm(meal4) 7pm(meal5) 10pm(meal6) bed time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The biggest problem for me is that I don't have a lot of time between class and work, its a pretty tight schedule during the day so I had to work around that.

    dalcowbag- thx for the advice. What do you think about adding a MRP? Do you think I could benefit from a MRP with the way my diet is scheduled? I know that most of my intake should be from real food, but is it too much to have that many protein shakes/mrps?
    Last edited by ShadyMilkman; 01-24-2005 at 04:55 PM.

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