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Thread: Low Priced Protien Sources?

  1. #1

    Low Priced Protien Sources?

    Sup fellas? I'm a college kid tryin to get a cycle going and I was wonderin' if you guys know of any cheap, but quality, protien sources...whether that be in food or powder form. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    sugar free jelly

  3. #3
    Thats a splendid idea and I have just found my reformed manners.

    No flaming no abuse no referrals to eating dick

    Last edited by Billy Boy; 03-27-2002 at 01:31 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    are you freeking stupid!! mods - can't u do sumthing about idiots like this!!

    for your info, jelly has about 40g of protein per 100g( powder weight)!!! thats almost double that of chicken or tuna. sugar free jelly - because any idiot on this site can tell u that sugar is BAD! gees, u have a serious attituted problem

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    xenithon does suggar free jelly contain much carbs????
    Know any other tasty cheap protein source with 0 carbs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    hi johan

    well, the ones I get here are pretty much carb-free. if u are keeping away from artificial sweeteners like aspartame, phenylanaline, stevia etc. then watch out cause jelly is full of em, but I'd rather have those than pure sugar
    no others that I know of - thing is most sugar free jellies are also gelatin free and thus have almost no protein. I was able to find sugar free with gelatin, and I verified it to be like 40g/100g protein. it tastes soooo good you can even eat it out the packet, or sprinkle the powder on some fat free cottage cheese.

    most other carb-free protein sources are fairly expensive like cold meats and smoked meats, but I generally find it to be worth it AND a whole lot cheaper than having 4-5 protein shakes a day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Originally posted by Ass Monster
    Yeah thanks touch a dick!
    You better watch what you say kid. You just got here and already causing controversy. Take a chill pill or something.

    If you ask a question, wait for answers. If someone give you an answer and you don't like it, then don't listen to it and just wait for next one. Don't make offensive remarks. This site is to help people not to mean to them.

    As for cheap protein, here is one.
    Protein powder:
    OPTIMUM PROTEIN 5lbs $25

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    and sorry for any offense caused by my attack in him in my 2nd post. i just REALLY get frustrated when ppl ask questions to which I have a decent answer and they treat it like a joke and insult me or anyone else. and just for anyones info if they are interested:

    as you see gelatin based jellies are really good, cheap protein sources, just make sure once again that they are GELATIN BASED and dont have alternatives like pectin which I dont think has any protein.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Interesting website

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey xenithon where can i buy gelatine ??? is it available at the grocery store.

    And are sweetners that bad???

    thanks man

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    sup edraven,

    pure gelatine - i really don't know. I'm sure if you ask a health shop they may know the actual suppliers of the stuff. I have seen the gelatine leaves, which you can buy at almost any store - used to make homemade jelly, terine etc. but haven't seen the pure powder.

    about sweeteners - not that bad really! there have just been so many rumors about how some sweeteners cause arthritis, and some cause cancer etc. etc. But most of those only came about if you have like 20g of pure sweetener per day haha. i have not seen any threat in any articles/studies so I believe they are cool.

  12. #12
    Alright alright alright...I am sorry about the comment. I thought he was tryin to be funny...I mean c'mon now! When I think of protien, the LAST THING on my mind is SUGAR FREE JELLY!!! So I thought he was bustin' my balls. But enough excuses...sorry to the Big X...and thank you for letting me know that!! No hard feelings! Peace...A.M.

  13. #13
    Hey X....where can I find some Sugar free jello with Gelatin? Isn't gelatin an incomplete protien?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    i found it at a helath shop but have also seen it at many supermarkets here. have you been to ?
    there u can get all the nitty gritty about the protein structure and all. what do u mean by 'incomplete'?

  15. #15
    An incomplete protien is a protien that doesn't have all the ESSENTIAL Amino Acids that our body can use. I think that might have an effect on the quality of that protien. Does anyone have any input on this?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Protein is made up from amino acids so I,m not totally convinced about jelly,be nicwe if it was true!

    Milk,eggs,tuna cheap and good sources of protein

  17. #17
    Thanks Billy...and P.S. ~ lol to the new message you made up for me! Thanks again...

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