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Thread: New Cutting Diet, Please Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    New Cutting Diet, Please Review

    I revised my diet about a month ago and have been following it ever since. I just wanted to check my back and make sure everything I’m doing is correct.

    My goal here is to loose body fat while at least maintaining my current muscle mass (stress the at least part).

    My diet is this:
    219/90/18/1212 pro/carb/fat/calories per day.

    Supplements are:
    Ripped fuel in the morning(I use them for energy mostly)
    Hydroxycut throughout the day
    10g Glutamine

    Basic routine, one body part a day. I am still training heavy.

    30-45min first thing in the morning 4-6 days a week.

    My questions are:
    1. A lot of people are against low carb diets. Should I be taking more carbs a day?
    2. Since I am taking in a fairly low amount of carbs should I be supplementing anything like Metabolic Thyrolean?
    3. Should I be supplementing any essential fatty acids?
    4. Should I be taking more/less Glutamine, and does it matter when I take it?

    Please add anything if you see something wrong with any of this. I know this involves more than just dieting so if I need to break this down and post in different forums let me know. Also if you need more detail of anything let me know.

    Thanks for all the help guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey BIg D, you gotta try and see what works for you, i know that this reponse is shit but its the thrut, for me low carb is working quit fine right now, i have lost about 8-10 pounds in 3 weeks without any muscles.

    Depending on your weight i eat 10 X cal per body weight for me its around 2000 a day.

    If you do a low carb diet and eat 3 times a day and eat only 1000 cals then your gonna lose everything fat and muscles.

    But if you low carb and still keep cals around 2000 a day, most from protein and fats then see what happens.

    On weekends go crazy, say monday til friday cut carbs 20g -30g a day then saturday cut fat, eat 1g per pound protein and eat around 500g carbs, sunday 300g and by 6pm sunday night go back to low carb.

    This has worked wonders for me ( body opus) i dont get up every 2 hours at night on weekends to eat like it is mentionned but still working pertty well.

    For training i listen to my body, i split chest, delts and triceps on day

    then back biceps

    then legs

    I dont go overboard on reps and sets, to be honest i dont lift has heavy has i did, i really concentrate on the muscle i work.

    Some weeks i am in the gym 3 times and some 6 times, i do cardio right after workout, you in the morning is even better, i do 20 minutes.

    Try it and keep us posted, right now this is that diet i am doing and its going great.

    For supplements i take in a supplement called omega 3-6-9 wish has ala and flax and all good oils in capsules, works great

    I also started taking xenedrine 1 morning and 1 after noon before 2pm.

    Multi vitamine is also a good thing since your low carb you dont eat fruits or veggies.

    For glutamine i take it on weekends, i have seen something once cant remember but seems its not good on low carb diets?? not sure

    also take my shakes with olive oil and 1 cap of omega 3-6-9.

    Hope this helps, if you need more help you can talk to beenie he has lost 100 pounds on low carb.

    THis is why i think low carb is good, lots of people say that low carb you lose water, well you cant lose 100 pounds of water?????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thanks for the info edraven.
    I forgot to mention that I break my meals down into 5 meals a day. I do take multivitamins every day. Pretty much instead of one off day I use the weekend as my off day, however usually I still try and eat healthy those two days with only one or two bad meals like Pizza. I drink a gallon of water a day as well.

    Well about November I was 230 and all I did was up my cardio and eat a little cleaner and I got down to 218 where I got stuck. Since I started this diet about a month ago I have went from 218 to 208. However my weight fluctuates greatly, for example last Monday I weighed 209 and by Friday I was at 214. I’m assuming I retain a lot of water?

    However I do need to get my body fat ran again to see exactly how much fat i am loosing so I’m not just basing it on my weight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    For a while your weight will go up and down, really weird, for me it did that in my second week, after i adjusted my calories ( i dont beleive even if your on a low carb diet you can eat all the fat and protein you want) i started losing again.

    I was 204 on sunday night and last night tuesday i was 202.5 pounds.

    My guess is that by this weekend i should be a solid 200 pounds, if i dont go crazy this weekend with carbs i should be able to keep that pace til i reach my goal set at 190 pounds.

    Your drinking water is a good thing too, i drink a lot and even drink green tea, if i get to tiered of drinking water.

    A good trick if you find yourself stalled try staying in ketosis longer, say 14 days before eating carbs, its not easy but it works wonders.

    For bodyfats i guess i go by the mirror, i am just happy to see that my lovehandles and tummy are melting away.

    Bottom line for me its been worth all the torture, after reaching my goal weight i will start eating carbs again but this time good ones, fiberous instead of starch and sugar.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New York

    You and I are currently on similar diets. Even the green tea thing-- wierd someone else drinks that.

    I eat some carbs now in the form of veggies, rice, and nuts. When my weight starts to creep up, or I see my definition begin to go away I cut back. It seems to be working, but for me i am on maintenence. I still say that sticking to low carbs is a really fast way to get bf% down (as an alternative to starving yourself by low calorie dieting). Further I think that every time you go off you reduce the speed at which the bf% goes down. So, if I were really tring to cut, and I wanted to do it quickly, I would still go with low carb, because it is simple and effective and I know I can stick to it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thanks for all the info guys. Anybody else have any opinions/advice.

    I hate to say it but the more I read the more I’m getting confused. Actually it's more that I’m getting overwhelmed. All these formulas and calculations combined with the exact timing during the day....just when I think I have a grasp on this diet thing I read something else and start all over again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I used to be really convinced carbs were bad for you when your trying to cut. Personally, I feel like shit when I go low carb/ No carb... I'm tottaly flat for workouts, and doing cardio also is like next to impossible for me. It actually ended up getting me sick everytime i've tried it.

    Currently i'm 9.4% bodyfat, and im trying to get down to 5% before I start bulking up again. I do cardio before I work out in the morning, and cardio only at night. The key things I try to do is eat 6 meals a day - with all meals before night cardio including a moderate amount of carbs (for me picture 3/4 - 1 cup of rice etc). After night cardio (usually after 6 pm) whatever I eat I try to include little to no carbs (which usually ends up being 2 or so meals) . Hope that made sense

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    I agree with A-nice low to no carbs makes me so depressed and feel like shit with no energy, so this time im doing about 100g per day and its just as effective for and i dont want to binge at weekend at all last time I was just dieing for fri night to come so i could eat shit and once i start i cant stop and i would gain back the whole weeks loss by sunday this time its much easier fat loss is steady and i feel ok every day apart from not to much energy for lifiting after cardio


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    To get a low bf, I must stick to a very low carb diet... woah...

    Thus in order to see the cutting and the vascularity and non-water retention... I must really stick to low carb

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    i too must cut carbs a lot to get really cut up. anyone ever tried carb blockers?? any good results??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Only 1200 calories seems pretty low to me bro-obviously you know you're body better than I do, but if you're doing cardio 4-6 days a week and only taking in 1200 cals a day it seems to me like you're going to be losing quite a bit of muscle as well as fat.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    Well that diet turned out to be a little to extreme for me. By the end of the week I didn't have enough energy to do anything. I added a half a cup to a cup of rice to a couple of my meals to up the carbs and calories. So far it working pretty well but I'll keep you guys updated.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If your eating rice it would help a lot for it to be brown and not white. And dude, how in the hell are you only taking in 18 grams of fat/day. That's amazing, but I think you'd be better served to up that about 10-15 grams with some unsaturated fats.

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