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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    My little diet helping spreadsheet, for you.

    ****Ok, i cannot attach the file because it is not a picture. If you would like it you can pm me an email address and ill send it, or if someone would like to host it, that would be cool too ^_^***

    If anyone is like my and suffers from laziness when it comes to keeping track of food intake, this may help out. It is a little excell spread sheet that should make keeping track of your dieting easier. You can download some online but in my opinion they are all just...wierd. I just slapped this thing together and here is what it does....

    Well, simply what it does is reduces keeping track of everything you eat and its nutritional value to a few cut and paste manuevers. Im sure when you see it it is obvious how to use it and what is does, but if you want the gory deatails read on.

    Three pages...on one page you have a list of foods you eat, i left the foods i eat in the file so things like Oatmeal, chicken breasts, turkey breasts and sirloin steak is all in there...when you eat something not on the list just add it, along with the serving size and calories fat carb and protien per serving size. It looks like this, but in a neat table.

    Eggs w/yolk 1 Egg 70 5 0 5
    Eggs -Yolk 1 Egg 20 0 0 5

    The second page is where you track what you actually ate during the day. And this is where the funcionalitly that makes the spreadsheet a time saver is. Formulas built into the chart will add up the values for each meal and also for the enitre day. Under "Meal 1" for instance, you would copy the serving info for a whole egg and an egg white...and then in the box labeled "X-multipier" put how many you had, so 4 next to egg whites and 2 next to whole eggs, for instance. it will multiply the serving info by that factor. Then it will display the total meals info under the meal, and also as you fill in meals 2,3 etc is you add up the grand total for the day, broken into total cal, fat carb and pro.

    Finaly on the last page you can copy the values for the day into a chart that keeps track of the total calories deficiency (or surplus) you can enter your BMR into the page, and also the calories burned by cardio to see where you stand relative to your bmr.

    Well this took longer to type than the spreadsheet did to make ><

    PS. i made it using Open Office, Sun Microsystems totaly free response to Windows Office. I know Open office will open Windows Office files, but in not 100% sure of the reverse. In any case, if you use Excell and this doesnt work, Download Open Office from SunMicrosystems and you will not be disapointed.

  2. #2
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Zagreb, Croatia
    nice bro, thanks, could you pm it to me?

  3. #3
    fitnessguy's Avatar
    fitnessguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    over the hills & far away
    I'd like to check it out also...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    My gmail account is giveing me greif atm, Ill email it later today or tommorow guys. And I cant PM it, so please send an email addy if you havnt yet ^_^

  5. #5
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    can u pm it to me?

  6. #6
    big L 17's Avatar
    big L 17 is offline Female Member
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    can u pm me to

  7. #7
    SHRED's Avatar
    SHRED is offline Senior Member
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    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    me too

  8. #8
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    Dec 2004
    nice work man

    can you post a link here?? you can attach the file from

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