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Thread: Low/No carbs @ night vs. Hunger???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa

    Low/No carbs @ night vs. Hunger???

    Hi guys,

    I used to eat carbs throughout the day, but tapering it down so at supper I had something like 30g carbs, but no carbs bfore bed (only protein shake). Now I have changed to what I have heard on the board, to cut carbs completely at night.

    My life is such that I usually go to sleep at 12/1 and wake up 8-10, ie. go to sleep and wake up later than most people, but still getting the required sleep. Now, If I have supper at like 8-ish, I have heard that to cut fat I must cut carbs even then, so I usually have little/no carbs at this meal. But, when bedtime comes, I am so starving I cannot even get to sleep half the time !!! I would just like to know how many HOURS before going to sleep you must cut out carbs. Can I still eat carbs at around 8? If not is there anything I can take to stop the HUNGER??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If you are hungry eat its as simple as that.When you are hungry your body will break down muscle to use as energy and for the sake of a few carbs you can prevent this .I always have a shake b4 bed and that has 58g of carbs and 60g of protein enough to get me through the night.
    I wouuld,nt go eat a 3 course meal than goto bed because that will effect your BB results if you done it every night!


  3. #3
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    Aug 2001
    I personnally do not shift my carb/protein bal throughout the day and would only do so if I was competing.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Africa
    thanks for the replies. I think I will definitely stick to what I was doind before - having carbs every meal, but having medium amount at supper (like 30-40g) instead of the normal 50-60g. The only reason I wanted to try it is cause I have a fairly low bf % but like many males it is concentrated around the stomach/lovehandles. It's odd, I have 32" waist which is quite good, but the way it looks it's as if I have a 7 pack 6 pack and one joined one at the bottom haha - and it NEVER goes away. oh well, i think maybe after my current course I may do clenb. for a while - haven't tried that yet.

    thanks again for the help!

  5. #5
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    Sep 2001
    Totally agree with Big Al

    do not cut carbs unless dieting for a show or need weight loss! Carbs are essential for your muscles if you are looking to still build muscle then you MUST stick with the carbs! to replenish after heavy session so do not cut before bed read my post about carbs after training!
    Ms Figure

  6. #6
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    Aug 2001
    I agrtee with BA and Ms. F. The only time I have recommended limiting carb intake and /or cutting carbs after 8:00pm is when a member indicated that they were trying to lose fat or keep fat gain to a minimum. When I'm dieting and I become hungry in the evening, I'll cook up 6 egg whites (1 whole egg), top it with a little fat free cheese and wash it down with whey protein and milk. It seems to curb my hunger.


  7. #7
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    There is no place like ho
    well, I agree with you guys, but if x is like me, then he gains weight at the sight of a carb shake. Of course, I think it is what is right for you. I cut my carbs down to a minimum at night, cause I will wake up bloated and feel that way the entire day, if I went to bed with a heavy carb diet. I work out late in the evening, after my workouts, i will have a protein shake and maybe a egg or two, I will intake some carbs, but I dont' find myself hungry at night. I have these high protein bars that I will scarf down if I get hungry during the night or late at night. On occassion, I will shock my body and intake more carbs than normal at bedtime, but maybe once or twice a month. I used to have a problem with my mid section, since I have cut out major carbs before 12:00 noon, I have dropped 3 inches in my waist, I haven't look this good since high school. Again, I do what gives me the best results for what my goals are. I talked to a professional trainer and told him my problem about my mid section, and he suggested to cut out all major carbs after 12:00pm. He didn't say cut them completley, but he said consume the bulk of your carbs during the morning hours, and slowly phase them down. After 8, I am almost carb free till the next morning. I can't tell how great this has worked for me in my toning down my stomach and love handles. But again, do what is best for you, I am only sharing my personal experience with you, cause if you are like me, and store fat easily around your mid section, it may help.
    I do agree with Billy, if you are hungry eat... but watch what you eat. I am not saying cut out carbs completly, just test your body, see what works for you, and what may work now, may not work tomorrow. Good luck man!

  8. #8
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    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up sicillian30 i will do this too

    i have a problem with lovehandles too, it one of my flaws with small stomach, i will cut carbs after 6-8 pm thanks for the advise.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Got to have carbs! Brain no function without um. Herre is my rule. Simply plan your intake (especially your carbs) by the amount of activity you'll be doing over the next 3-4 hours. It's simple cause if you're gonna be sitting around for a while you're certainly not going to need as much fuel, however if you're going to the gym in a hour, then load a bit. Divide your protein over your 5-6 meals or so to maximize asimilation. Still though what your body can't use will be stored as fat!

  10. #10
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    So Cal
    I have the same problem going on. I try to taper my carb intake. My first meal has the most carbs then I cut down a little more through out the day. I eat a protein bar late night when I need a snack and I drink lots of water to make me full. Right before bed I drink a shake. One reason for me being hungry at night is that my ECA stack has finally worn off

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    There is no place like ho
    well I guess the issue here is what are ya'll's goals. I mean, if you are tryin to loose the fat, then why not take some appetite suppressants. They work great for me. course can't really take em at night, but I guess different strokes for different folks. How bout a boiled egg or two before bed time? Low carbs high protein, I mean they have alittle carbs, enough I think to get you thru the night if you combind it with a shake. Or hell eat carbs, but the next day work harder to burn them off. I am not saying cut them out completely, but sometimes you have to fool your body. Give it what it wants, but do it in a way that it will satisfy your hunger, and then get it trained to do what you want it to do. Self dicipline goes a long way.. course not everyone has had the grace of being in the Martial Arts for as many years as I have and had an instructor that made ya eat all the eggs that you broke while doing push ups on your fingers with eggs in between and forcing you to eat all the eggs you broke. Hell was he sick or what?

  12. #12
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    if your trying to lean out I would ditch the carbs early evening, otherwise If your trying to maintain or put on size, don't worry about eating them...always make sure to eat healthy, clean, complex carbs, not sugar crap carbs those will put the fat on. If you do decide to cut carbs I find that replacing those lost carbs with healthy fats such as UDOs will help in satisfying that hunger you talk these are essential fats that your body needs. I have a protein shake(no carb) mixed with a tblspn of Udo's for prebed meal, and usually have a low carb bar in an earlier evening meal this always seems to satisfy me-- unless I get off track that's when I go nuts and blow it big time.

    So try this:
    Early day meals > protein and carbs -low fat
    Later day and evening meals> protein and healthy fat -minimal carbs(Veggies)
    This also helps with with your insulin levels and to keep them regulated. There are times you want a spike in insulin and times you don't...postworkout yes, evenings no.

    hope I helped


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    EAT TO FUEL & BURN TO LOSE...that means eat what you're lean mass requires and burn the fat off with your cardio. Never put your body in a position to slow your metabolism.

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