The competition I was planing to enter is the 13th may. I estimated that my bodyfat % was around 12% but got it tested today and Im betwen 13,5-14%.
So I need to lose 1% bf every god **** week if Im gonna have a shot. Or atleast get rid of 8% in 10 weeks. Is that possible?
The first 6 weeks of my diet was a complete waste. Listening to that guy was no good. It was more like a clean bulk then a cutter. I lost a tiny bit of fat and added a decent ammount of muscle but that was it. **** IT I SHOULD HAVE KNOW BETTER AND I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MY GOD **** BODY
I have like 70 dnp capsulse I had saved for emergency that Im gonna use.
Now Im gonna eliminate all carbs except pwo and ppwo on workout days. Im gonna run dnp at 400mg/day every other week from saturday-friday. Cheatdays only after dnp weeks. Im gonna run 100mcg t-3 on weeks Im not running dnp. Cardio either 1 hour walks every morning on empty stomach or 45 minutes stairmaster the days Im tanning.
Only things Im gonna eat except shakes is lean pork or lean red meat(1% fat), chicken filet(1%fat), brown rice, tuna, flax oil and maby some cheese.
I will eat around 250g protein/day split up in 6 meals with roughly equal ammounts in all meals. 60g dextrose in my pwo shakes and then 40g slower carbs in my ppwo meal. No carbs on resting days like I said.
Fat around 40grams on training days split over the 4 meals I dont have carbs in and around 70 grams on my rest days.
SO to sum it upp.
Rest days:
250g protein, 70g fat 1630 kcal
Workout days:
250g protein, 40g fat, 100g carbs, 1760kcal
Does it look ok? I weight now 94kg (212 ibs), Im 5'11 and 14% bodyfat. Totaly daily energy consumption maby is a bit to low, Should I bump protein to 300g on rest days?