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Thread: Is it even possible

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Is it even possible

    The competition I was planing to enter is the 13th may. I estimated that my bodyfat % was around 12% but got it tested today and Im betwen 13,5-14%.

    So I need to lose 1% bf every god **** week if Im gonna have a shot. Or atleast get rid of 8% in 10 weeks. Is that possible?

    The first 6 weeks of my diet was a complete waste. Listening to that guy was no good. It was more like a clean bulk then a cutter. I lost a tiny bit of fat and added a decent ammount of muscle but that was it. **** IT I SHOULD HAVE KNOW BETTER AND I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MY GOD **** BODY

    I have like 70 dnp capsulse I had saved for emergency that Im gonna use.

    Now Im gonna eliminate all carbs except pwo and ppwo on workout days. Im gonna run dnp at 400mg/day every other week from saturday-friday. Cheatdays only after dnp weeks. Im gonna run 100mcg t-3 on weeks Im not running dnp. Cardio either 1 hour walks every morning on empty stomach or 45 minutes stairmaster the days Im tanning.

    Only things Im gonna eat except shakes is lean pork or lean red meat(1% fat), chicken filet(1%fat), brown rice, tuna, flax oil and maby some cheese.

    I will eat around 250g protein/day split up in 6 meals with roughly equal ammounts in all meals. 60g dextrose in my pwo shakes and then 40g slower carbs in my ppwo meal. No carbs on resting days like I said.

    Fat around 40grams on training days split over the 4 meals I dont have carbs in and around 70 grams on my rest days.

    SO to sum it upp.
    Rest days:
    250g protein, 70g fat 1630 kcal

    Workout days:
    250g protein, 40g fat, 100g carbs, 1760kcal

    Does it look ok? I weight now 94kg (212 ibs), Im 5'11 and 14% bodyfat. Totaly daily energy consumption maby is a bit to low , Should I bump protein to 300g on rest days?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    ok lets do a count on this
    basically its a 500-800 calorie deficite you can take on each day so lets say 800cals below required amount of calorie intake... 1lb fat = aprox3600?cals 800x7=?5.6kcals a week 5.6k/3.6k =aprox 1.75lbs fat a week u kan loose along with a lil muscle.. im trying to recall all this from memory so PLZ correct me anyone. you might even be able to push it as much as -1k calorie from req amount w/o going into starvation as long as u eat ever 2hrs and maintain addaquate protein and avoid sugars/starches/satFats
    this is w/o any type of fat loss supplements.
    Flawless diet/LongDrawwn Out Slow Cardio everymorning/only fats of about 50-75g'EFA's
    Last edited by taiboxa; 03-03-2005 at 10:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    My bmr should be around 2400. When adding t-3 to the equation I guess it goes upp 200-300kcal or so. Cardio burns around 400kcal day I guess and Im gonna eat around 1700kcal.

    That will leave me with 700kcal defecite from the diet, 300 more from t-3, 400more from cardio. so almost 1400 kcal less then I would need to keep my weight. That would be 9800kcal/week less then I need and one kilogram of fat is 9000 kcal. So then I should be able to lose 1kg fat every week.

    But then again I realy wish it was that simple To bad it isnt. I can always gain strenght while around 1800kcal so I am probably not losing fat atleast.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    1800 cal and you gain str?!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    man you must have the matabo of a sloth

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    My bmr should be around 2400. When adding t-3 to the equation I guess it goes upp 200-300kcal or so. Cardio burns around 400kcal day I guess and Im gonna eat around 1700kcal.

    That will leave me with 700kcal defecite from the diet, 300 more from t-3, 400more from cardio. so almost 1400 kcal less then I would need to keep my weight. That would be 9800kcal/week less then I need and one kilogram of fat is 9000 kcal. So then I should be able to lose 1kg fat every week.

    But then again I realy wish it was that simple To bad it isnt. I can always gain strenght while around 1800kcal so I am probably not losing fat atleast.
    1700 calories is nto nearly enough food. If you are eating 1700 calories combined with the use of T3 and DNP you can kiss your lean muscle mass goodbye!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    1700kca .. wat is that.. like 2tbls peanut butter and a muffin?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    1700 calories is nto nearly enough food. If you are eating 1700 calories combined with the use of T3 and DNP you can kiss your lean muscle mass goodbye!

    to be honest I have the slowest metabolism in the world. last year from februari to june I ate around 1700-1900kcal/day(with one full cheatday every week) and dropped somwhere betwen 14-18kg(40 ibs) bodyweight(I dont remember how much was water weight that disapred the first weeks) and still gained 20kg(45ibs) in my deadlift and 10kg(22ibs) in my bench. The deadlift increase can offcourse be explained that I had not done deadlifts because of a back injury. But I had NEVER pulled more then 185kg but at the end of the cutter I pulled 210kg. So accutualy a 25kg increase in strenght. I put the credit where it should be. Westside powerlifting

    That I did while running 75-100mcg t-3 the entire time. Throwing in clen when I could get ahold of it and ephedra everynow and then. Also did 4 short dnp cycles. I have attached pictures from that diet. I never got ripped. I got down to 10%bf and not any more. I also did 45 minutes of intense starimaster every day and I was on a regular bike for 30 minutes daily(to and from university, sometimes twice a day) and 15minutes of cardio after every workout.

    So I have to consider my ultra slow metabolism when I plan a diet. I was hoping someone with alot of experience with mega slow metabolism could give some advice(offcoruse I want all the advice I can get from all the members here also).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Kärnfysikern; 03-03-2005 at 10:58 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    dood i used to have slowest metab in world.. then u know what i did to fix that.. i ate to gain weight and why is it when ever we try to do something we get the opposite.. i eat to get lean and i suffer and get fat .. i eat to get big and i get lean .. weird isnt it.. so just eat often like your trying to mass but w/ smaller portions?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Bro, don't take this as a flame coz I like ya and you're a good bro, but THIS CAN'T BE DONE. There is just not enough time, if doing comps was as easy as dnp-clen-t3 for 10 weeks everybody would be a champ...
    You will either :
    1) lose enough fat but lose to much muscle in the process
    2) not lose enough fat
    ...and neither is good!

    There will be other comps, no need to rush, you've made great prgress so far...

    Again, I hope you don't think I'm trying to be a bastard, you're one of the nicest people here!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    well i have seen Pro BB's cut down from mad fat to uber rip in 11weeks so i guess if you take cell tech and nitrotech like them.. you kan do it to!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Well yeah obviously...but wouldn't that be cheating - I mean thats just like using drugs

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    or a corked bat?
    really though i had to quit taking Celltech and Nitrotech because i got to big and strong and people were comming up to me asking me to like pick up there cars and save the world and stuff...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    Bro, don't take this as a flame coz I like ya and you're a good bro, but THIS CAN'T BE DONE. There is just not enough time, if doing comps was as easy as dnp-clen-t3 for 10 weeks everybody would be a champ...
    You will either :
    1) lose enough fat but lose to much muscle in the process
    2) not lose enough fat
    ...and neither is good!

    There will be other comps, no need to rush, you've made great prgress so far...

    Again, I hope you don't think I'm trying to be a bastard, you're one of the nicest people here!

    No worries bro didnt take it as a bash or anything. Its just the truth. I guess I have to look for some other competition that is later in the summer. I could dial in to end of june without a problem. Hopefully there is one then. Ohh well Il be in awsome beach shape if nothing else

    Just needed someone to tell me that

    thanks btw for the complements

  15. #15
    You can do it with the DNP. Have you ever used it before? I've lost 30lbs in 10 days using DNP, and once the water left me and my muscles regained their glycogen I looked pretty **** good. Not competition good, still needed another 15lbs to look that good, but for 10 days not bad. Let me know if you need help setting up the cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    You can do it with the DNP. Have you ever used it before? I've lost 30lbs in 10 days using DNP, and once the water left me and my muscles regained their glycogen I looked pretty **** good. Not competition good, still needed another 15lbs to look that good, but for 10 days not bad. Let me know if you need help setting up the cycle.
    Yeah I have experimented quite a bith with dnp. But I like 400mg/day the best. It doesnt give incredible results but still pretty good results. When I tried 600mg/day I couldnt function. I was struggling to breath and couldnt live a normal life at all.

    What kind of dosage did you run bro?? 30 ibs in 10 days is a ****load to lose. Did you run crystal or powder dnp? Let me know how you ran it

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