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  1. #1
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    New Summer Cutting Diet...please review and give advice.

    Cutting Up For Summer Diet

    1) Wake up at 7 am and take 5 grams of glutamine with sugar free tang and 1 serving of amino burst 3000.
    2) Get on bike for 40-45 minutes.
    3) At 9:05 eat 8 egg whites covered in pepper and ½ cup of oats. Take multivitamin and amino burst 3000 and digestive enzymes.
    4)sleep from 9:30-11:00
    4) 11:30 eat plenty of chicken…about 10 oz. of chicken with broccoli and flax oil…serving of amino burst 3000 and digestive enzymes and also serving of vitrix tribulis terrestris.
    5) 12:50 do weight training
    6) 2:15 PWO shake which is N Large 2 shake which is 52 grams of protein and 86 grams of carbs with amino burst 3000 and digestive enzymes
    7) 4:30 eat 1 ½ - 2 cans of tuna with ½ cup of brown rice with amino burst 3000 and digestive enzymes.
    8) 6:50 consume 3 scoops of EAS 100% whey... comes to about 60 grams of whey 15 grams of carbs and about 6 grams of fat...take in amino burst 3000, digestive enzymes, and flax oil.
    9) snack between meals 3 cookies of my choice.
    10) 9:45 eat small salad and 9 oz. of filet mignon and baked potato and take in amino burst 3000, digestive enzymes.
    11)just before bed take 5g of glutamine and 2 scoops of EAS 100% whey and serving of amino burst 3000, digestive enzymes, and serving of 6-OXO (3,6, 17-androstenetrione) 300 mg.

    Throughout the day I will consume about 1 ½ - 2 gallons of water and/or sugar free tang. Give your advice please. I will do the bike 5 times a week for 40-45 minutes and do weight training 5 days a week. You can see my stats @
    Last edited by kaptainkeezy04; 03-06-2005 at 04:51 AM.

  2. #2
    smegs's Avatar
    smegs is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i think everything looks pretty good other thant #'s 9, 10, 11, why not turn those into 2 pro/fat meals and take out that 'snack'

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