how many carbs should i eat on a low carb diet,
i am 210 right now and wanna lose fat not muscles, i eat 250 g of protein a day.
Mix flaxoil in my shakes 42g 3 times a day they are carb free.
In the morning i eat a big breakfast, egg whites, turkey, and whole wheat toast.
i am mixed up about how much carbs i should eat, i have cutted out all candy bar, ice cream and junk food.
I have found that if i have a sugar rush i buy black coffee and add 2-3 sweetners to it, calms my urge and appetit.
They say that even sweetners can rise insulin levels but its better to drink a black coffee with 15 calories then a candybar like oh henry that has 329 cals with 29 g of fat and sugar and carbs.
Started the cardio with my girlfriend this week( i hate cardio and rahter wrestle but this is once a week).
thanks again guys and is the diet (the zone ) any good my girlfriend says it hot?????
I dont wanna jump into that atkins diet and low carbing stuff becose its to high in fat and i dont beleive in putting so much fat into my body.
thanks everyone