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  1. #1
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Whats The Deal With This Carb Craze?

    What's going on? I know that if your trying to lean out, cutting carbs will help you do it by eliminating the water your holding but why is it becoming such a trend? I hate seeing these girls and people that don't even have any knowledge about diet, but there all crazy about... "I can't eat any carbs" These keto diets are fucking stupid and unhealthy! I mean shit if you wanna lose weight just eat less than you burn and EAT HEALTHY! I thought if you wanna put on muscle you got to eat? Why is everyone so worried about carbs? I mean as long as your eating complex carbs from good sources, and not binging on sugar than WTF is wrong with eating carbs? Especially if your bulking up! But what I really don't understand is that I see guys on here that are on gear(bulking up even), and are watching there carbs. WHY? Wouldn't you see better gains, more muscle development if your giving your body the nutrition it needs to grow big and strong? Just stay away from crappy carbs with empty calories. I eat oatmeal about 3X a day. I also eat sweet potatoes by the dozen. 100% whole wheat bread, about a 100 pure complex carbs after training consisting of maltodexrins, and glucose polymers. I also eat the occasoinal piece of fruit, occasional yougurt, brown rice and black beans, whole wheat tortillas, corn torillas. I am getting ready to go on my first cycle and I wanna eat! So tell me is there some big secret that I need to know why I should limit my carbs while juicing? What's the deal here guys?

  2. #2
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Well you question is complicated, but I do agree and disagree with you. First off, I used to eat alot of carbs, (being Italian), and I could not loose the fat, I mean could not. Since I have cut my carbs down, I have done nothing but shread fat.
    Now my answer to another part of your question, is yes, people are taking this carb thing to the extreme. But again, understand, people are going to do that. It is like, when you hear about a miracle drug that will make you loose weight, people go nuts and buy it off the shelves like candy.
    For anyone in the BB sport, knows what is good and what is bad, knowlege is the key here. Just like people who think they can loose weight by not eating. Sure you will loose weight, but you won't be able to do anything cause you body does not have th fuel it needs. Moderation... I don't sit here and tell people not to eat carbs, just watch your intake if you want to loose fat. Proven fact, you body needs carbs, but knowing how much carbs you body can take without storing it as fat, is the key here. Carbs will turn into fat if they are not burned up, proven fact. So therefore, when people hear this, guess what, they think oh well, no more carbs. That is not what someone who knows about nutrician would say. Again, understand, people are going to take things to the extreme. A true dedicated body builder will know what is good for them, experience, moderation and knowledge are the keys here.
    I know cutting down on my carbs helped me tremendously, from my own personal experience, and I have been training now for some 10 years. Do the research, learn, and there is nothing wrong with cutting carbs, just know what you are cutting and how much. I don't think no one here says cut carbs completely, hell we would be walkin zombies.

  3. #3
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Screw that give me some Oatmeal and Yams!!!!!

  4. #4
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    Sicilian thanks for your input. What I believe is that people lose weight on low carb diets because there total daily intake calories become reduced, which in turn causes a calorie deficit. IMO the reason you have lost weight is not just by reducing your carbs but by gaining the knowledge of knowing which kind of carbs to eat. You said you ate alot of carbs being Italian, of course you couldn't lose weight because you probably ingested mass amounts of non-complex carbs! You ate carbohydrates high on the GI scale that gave you un-needed insulin spikes. Therefore on your road to learning to reduce your carbs, you also probably learned what kind of carbs to be eating. I guess what I'm trying to say is -"I believe"(may be totally incorect) that you, and others with BB diet knowledge dont just loose weight from reducing carbs, but rather by begining to eat the right source of carbohydrates while reducing them altogether. Most people assume that it is the reduction in carbs that is causing their weight loss, when in actuality it's that they've lowered overall calorie intake and learned the right kind of carbs to eat. The truth is that in order to loose weight you must consume less calories than you burn. Be it a reduction in carbs, fat, or protein. Personally I choose a reduction in fat. Just my thoughts_SOLID.
    Last edited by Iwan2bsolid2; 10-02-2001 at 01:43 AM.

  5. #5
    edraven29 is offline Associate Member
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    Red face same thing with me

    hey if it was that easy i have done it before, cut back on what i eat, 6 small meals a day but i lost all my muslces too.

    I have nothing against people on gear, but i dont use and havent for 2 years now.

    This is a board to ask info and much of the people in here are qualified to help.

    Remeber that something might work for you and it might not work for others.

    there is a guy at my job that eats junk and pertty much what he wants he is not on gear and i trained with him the other day and he has an 8 pack (meaning that is abs are there and showing and pertty fucking amazing), i cant do what he does, eat donuts and chocolate milk, becose my stomach bloats and takes all that fat.

    Its all due to genetics, me i am carb sensitive so i have to find something that works.

    I have started reducing carbs and its working to.

    I dont do the atkins diet or others stuff like that, my gf was intersted in the zone thats all.

    sorry if i pissed some of you off by asking my questions , and thanks to gorilla and all that answer.

  6. #6
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    for me it's different

    i eat about 400gs of carbs a day and i'm ripped.for me, carbs help to keep my muscles full.i do notice a significant difference, when i am carb depleted, in the volume of my never makes me's weird.people are different.

  7. #7
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
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    Re: same thing with me

    Originally posted by edraven29

    hey if it was that easy i have done it before, cut back on what i eat, 6 small meals a day but i lost all my muslces too.

    This is a board to ask info and much of the people in here are qualified to help.

    sorry if i pissed some of you off by asking my questions , and thanks to gorilla and all that answer.
    **Damn now I feel like a prick. You didn't piss any of us off by asking questions, let that be known . I'm sorry if I came across as though I was directing this at you. I just want to see people get the maximum results in their physique- when they work so hard at attaining them. And IMO by limiting your carbs your not reaping the benefits you could be by all your hard work in the gym. This is a board to ask info, and receive the most guided help from very knowledgable persons, and I'm sorry if I made you feel like you stepped in a grey area by asking your question.

    The point I was trying to get across by posting this thread is that >>I just want people to really take into consideration that they might be losing weight just because they're watching their diets so tightly and their total daily intake of calories reduces dramatically when reducing carb intake. You can't tell me that any person eating 500 cals over their daily requirement is gonna lose weight just because their on a low carb diet. So I urge you to take a look at your diet and figure out if your cals are in a deficit, if they are that is why your losing weight not because of the reduction of carbs.(Carbs cause you to hold water, for every gram of carb ingested (?)# molecules of water attach themselfs to that gm of carb, so don't mistake the water weight you loose on a Low carb diet with fat loss.) -And if your looking to drop water weight start watching your sodium intake and drink alot of water.
    Just my 1/4 peso's worth. Does anyone feel me or am I a blabering idiot? Again endraven29, nothing of this is guided at you, take care.


    Last edited by Iwan2bsolid2; 10-02-2001 at 11:17 AM.

  8. #8
    edraven29 is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up thanks iwant2besolid no offence taken

    i have a problem with diets and always add, i know that carbs retained water i think it was like every 1g retains 3g of water.

    i dont cut cals to low either i try to eat at least 2000 cal a day.

    I did a protein diet once and shrank a lot too so i know that i have to be careful.

    I have to select the right carbs , has the day goes by i eat more fiberous carbs, veggies.

    i crash my sugar craving with a black coffe and sweetners.

    etc etc.

    I know that i need to fuel my body with carbs after a workout too.

    No offense taken its ok, i understand your point to.

    your right when you say you will lose all muscles on a 500cal a day diet.

    Anyways i will keep you posted on my results thanks again guys

  9. #9
    MarkyMark's Avatar
    MarkyMark is offline Member
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    " Mama says Carbs are the Devil ," says the Waterboy......

  10. #10
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Don't worry about it Ivan, we are all here for the same reason to get advice, you didn't piss me off one bit. You made an opinion and we provided ours.. no harm done. People are different. Jason, and his use of E is why he don't gain no weight.. heee.. Just kiddin jason..
    Pasta I thought has complex carbs, not simple. I ate alot of that, and yes, that could've been the answer, but I still think that if you don't burn your carbs, and have a slow metabolism like me, then your carbs will turn into fat. that is a scientific fact. Just some people's metabolism (Jason with some help with teh E), burns it off with no problems. Me? if I look at a carb, I gain 10 pounds..

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