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  1. #1
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Please critique this cutting diet

    Hi there,
    I'm 5'10, 180 pounds, 10% body fat and would like to get to about 6 percent

    Here is what I'm going for according to the cutting sticky.


    Meal 1 2 scoop whey (40 grams protein) and 15 almonds

    Meal 2 2 chicken breasts and 2 tbsp's mayonaiise

    Meal 3 Onions, and salsa, on chicken and egg white omellette

    Meal 4 (post workout) 66 grams dex, 33 grams whey

    Meal 5 PPWO .5 scoops of oats (i know there is too much fibre) and two cans of tuna

    Thanks, I know some obvious considerations you're going to have and here are my replies in advance
    1. Not enough meals. -I am still eating every 3 hours, and It's difficulut to add another meal without increasing the calories.

    2. Not enough protein- I have 250 grams protein which is about 1.4 times my body weight which i beleive is enough any ways, and secondly, additional protein means extra calories, and when I start consuming extra calories I DONT lose weight, it just stops.

    Anything else and thanks

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Justarting
    weight 30min or so to eat Fat/Pro
    Meal 1 2 scoop whey (40 grams protein) and 15 almonds Your protein intake is Greater Post Cardio than PWO? better off w/ eggwhites 6 or so

    Meal 2 2 chicken breasts and 2 tbsp's mayonaiise i would do flax

    Meal 3 Onions, and salsa, on chicken and egg white omellette

    Meal 4 (post workout) 66 grams dex, 33 grams whey

    Meal 5 PPWO .5 scoops of oats (i know there is too much fibre) and two cans of tuna 2cans? the 2.5 serving cans or 1serving cans? if its the 2.5cans ur taking in 70gPro.. wow

    Thanks, I know some obvious considerations you're going to have and here are my replies in advance
    1. Not enough meals. -I am still eating every 3 hours, and It's difficulut to add another meal without increasing the calories.

    2. Not enough protein- I have 250 grams protein which is about 1.4 times my body weight which i beleive is enough any ways, and secondly, additional protein means extra calories, and when I start consuming extra calories I DONT lose weight, it just stops.

    Anything else and thanks
    Eat more Veggies (Esparagus, Broccoli, Brussels, Romain)

  3. #3
    Justarting is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2003
    According the can and my food scale... the tuna is 58 grams, and it the reason that is my highest protein meal of the day is 1) It's post post workout and can be easily absorbed, and 2) It's my last meal of the day

    My chicken and egg white omelette also has close to 60 however tho too.

    In regards to the waiting 30 minutes, I was told that with pro/fat you don't have to wait to begin eating as little to no insulin spike is involved anyways.

  4. #4
    web03 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    make sure you use Full Fat mayo if youre going to use it at all. Don't use the fat free garbage.


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