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Thread: diet critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    diet critique

    I am trying to cut down...

    stats are:
    5'8" 255 lbs apx 20% bf

    lifting days...4 days a week

    7:00am m1 50g pro/50g complex carbs

    7:30am lift

    9:00am pwo 50g pro/75g dex

    12:00noon ppwo 50g pro/ 75g complex carb/ veggie

    3:00pm m4 50g pro/ veggie

    6:00pm m5 50g pro/ 30g fat (flax)/ veggie

    9:00pm m6 50g pro/ veggie

    total 300g pro/ 200g carb / 40-50 fat (there is some fat in the lean meat)
    2450 cals

    Cardio days....3 days a week

    7:30 am 45 min cardio (empty stomach)

    9:00am 50g pro/ 15g fat (flax)

    12:00noon 50g pro/ 75g carb (complex)/ veggie

    3:00pm 50g pro/ 75g carb (complex)/ veggie

    6:00pm 50g pro/ 15g fat (flax)/ veggie

    9:00pm 50g pro/ veggie

    total 250g pro / 150g carb / 40-50g fat / cals apx 2000

    I do not think it is perfect...but a decent start

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So Cal
    for a guy your size isnt that too big of a cut down in kcals?

    good lookin diet though. If you need to add cals just put some efa's in the meals you just have pro\veggie.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by niXon)(
    for a guy your size isnt that too big of a cut down in kcals?

    good lookin diet though. If you need to add cals just put some efa's in the meals you just have pro\veggie.

    thats what I was thinking.... but with my new job the only exercise I get is in the gym. (**** desk jobs). So I thought I would err on the light side til it is cycle time.

    anyone else??? should I add a few tbl spoons of flax???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

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