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Thread: plateau!!!???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida


    aright...its been exactly one wek since my last post regarding the dieting rut Ive been in. All week i havent cheated, kept up cardio, eaten perfectly, the whole nine yards. Im down to 8% body fat. Im 6'3'' 220. Ive come down from 11%. But again Ive stayed at this weight for 3 weks straight!!!!SOOOOOOOO anoying. I have friends all around me eating pizza, and wendys all the time and are still leaner than I am. Up until now I have only used ripped fuel/coffee to lean down. Now is it possible that my body just simply wont get leaner without anabolic/thermogenic enhancers. Scientifically I should keep loosing, but Im not!! Well im pretty frustrated and want to make sure Im doing all I can naturally before getting into anabolics/enhancers. My diet generally consists of this. Carbs 200/day. Protein 250/day Fat 30g/day. Im doing 35-40 minutes of cardio post-workout 4-5Xweekly. Train 4-5 days/week also. Sleep atleast 8 hours /day. Supplements: glutamine, creatine, aminos, ripped fuel.
    any input or questions are welcome

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    tweak your carbs a little if you have to(or can train optimal) and maybe drop the fat by 10(that alone in one month is 2800 calories of fat, 700 short of a lb) and possibly look into some'll be ok.patience my friend.rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your'll get there bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    I'm telling you man you are going to fall inlove with this stuff. But be carefull, you will really have to make yourself eat and it will stay in your system for up to 12 hours. Stay away from these type of products if you have ever had a past history of high blood pressure or a seziure disorder. The brand that I use is put out by SportPharma and it is really cheap. Partboy has covered everything pretty well and take heart. The guys who are eating pizza and Wendys are not going to be able to do that for ever. YOU on the other hand will have adjusted your diet regime to the rigurs of maintianing a healthy diet and that will pay of in the long run. Check out the reciepe section, it can really take the edge off of diets.
    Good Luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    tobey to the rescue!!!!!!

    once again tobey is doign his iron chef duties!!!keep up the good work brother!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    south florida


    thanks alot guys. When Im done with thisr ripped fuel ill turn to thermadrene, or maybey xenadrine I here alot of positives about both. Ill keep you posted. Keep the recipes comming they are great. I just finished having some protein pudding, which I read about a while ago.Protein, skim milk, tablespoon fat-free sugar free pudding mix, and a cup of oats. put them all in a blender and bingo you have a great power packed pudding for a meal!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    When I have clients who are plateuing and their log confirms it, I first increase their targeted cardio to an hour a day. Then If they have been on a thermogenic for a while (which I allow only during the week, and not weekends) I'll then change brands. Sometimes the carbs are a little low. AND sometimes something is missing. like EFA's Research has shown that Omega-3 oils from flax and other sources improve health and assist in fat loss. One to three tablespoons a day of flax oil mixed in a protein shake or used as salad oil with vinegar, or taken straight will dramatically improve fat loss and long-term health.

    Sometimes it's just time...It took a while to put it on and so it takes time to get it off. Longer also means "more permanent"

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