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Thread: mis-informed, stupid workmates

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    EDIT: mis-informed, stupid people are EVERYWHERE

    Ok I have a lot of very mis-informed people where I work, as I'm sure a lot of you do. They all think they know more about diet+ working out than me and more importantly people who have actually bothered to research dieting/weightlifting. So they all try to fill my head with garbage and I know they are wrong but don't know how to respond to them in a way they will understand. I have tried time and time again to explain and use facts but they don't want to hear it. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, I bet this happens a lot everywhere.

    So... I have a few questions. if any of you can answer them or give me some info/ incidents I could use to dispell their insane ramblings, i'd be most grateful.

    Q. Why do cardio on an empty stomach?
    I have a bunch of workmates who are all trying to tell me that I shouldnt ever do cardio on an empty stomach because if you do, your body feeds on itself . Apparently I should eat something to start my metabolism before I go walking/jogging...
    Of course they all know better than me and are fine physical specimens.... and have had LOTS of experience in failed diets.
    Im talking about the kind of people that eat fish , chips, scallops, drink beer, while they are on a 'diet'.

    One of them reccommended eating pies and chips and drinking beer while I sit on my ass for 3 months and I will get huge , because it 'worked for one of his mates'. This is the same one who told me he could sell his WIFE'S HRT STEROIDS for $50 AUS a pill.. This guy also told me that if I get a barbell and do bent over rows and slam the bar into my chest every day for 1 year ( doesn't understand the concept of giving the muscle to repair itself) my chest will supposedly pop out. Again... this worked for some of his mates.

    This guy tells me if I want to get big, I need to get steroids because it's the only way (i'm 19 and won't consider it until 22/23years old)... He has never heard of PCT. He thinks ALL Steroids make your D*CK shrink and destroy your liver ( doesn't understand the concept of oral vs injectable steroids- believe me I have explained it to him about 3 or 4 times). He drinks 20 litres of coca cola a week- has been doing so for 25+ years. smokes about 20 smokes a day. Get's pissed every weekend. He tells me that eating
    steak+rice or skinless chicken breasts+ veggies or rice is the 'wrong kind of food' to eat. Apparently meat pies are better.

    One other guy tells me that drinking protien drinks will cause my kidneys to fail in about 20 years. One guy eats fruit pretty much all day, then goes home and drinks beer . I told him he shouldn't do it but he 'doesn't feel right' without having 1 or 2 beers in the afternoon.
    They all tell me if I keep eating the way I am, I will get fat.
    What they see me eat at work ( 2 meals) totals probably 70/80grams of protien and about 100g of carbs. Im 6'1 188 pounds. low bodyfat %- dont knoe exact% prob about 14 or something. I ride 20+km on my bike every day getting to and from work. I workout 4/5 days per week.
    I eat CLEAN- no junk or soft drinks. no alcohol.

    So, does anyone have anything I can use to backup my 'case' ? Is there still hope for these poor souls?
    thanks in advance.
    Last edited by slob; 03-31-2005 at 03:36 AM. Reason: topic is more suitable

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by slob
    Ok I have a lot of very mis-informed people where I work, as I'm sure a lot of you do. They all think they know more about diet+ working out than me and more importantly people who have actually bothered to research dieting/weightlifting. So they all try to fill my head with garbage and I know they are wrong but don't know how to respond to them in a way they will understand. I have tried time and time again to explain and use facts but they don't want to hear it. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, I bet this happens a lot everywhere.

    So... I have a few questions. if any of you can answer them or give me some info/ incidents I could use to dispell their insane ramblings, i'd be most grateful.

    Q. Why do cardio on an empty stomach?
    I have a bunch of workmates who are all trying to tell me that I shouldnt ever do cardio on an empty stomach because if you do, your body feeds on itself . Apparently I should eat something to start my metabolism before I go walking/jogging...
    Of course they all know better than me and are fine physical specimens.... and have had LOTS of experience in failed diets.
    Im talking about the kind of people that eat fish , chips, scallops, drink beer, while they are on a 'diet'.

    One of them reccommended eating pies and chips and drinking beer while I sit on my ass for 3 months and I will get huge , because it 'worked for one of his mates'. This is the same one who told me he could sell his WIFE'S HRT STEROIDS for $50 AUS a pill.. This guy also told me that if I get a barbell and do bent over rows and slam the bar into my chest every day for 1 year ( doesn't understand the concept of giving the muscle to repair itself) my chest will supposedly pop out. Again... this worked for some of his mates.

    This guy tells me if I want to get big, I need to get steroids because it's the only way (i'm 19 and won't consider it until 22/23years old)... He has never heard of PCT. He thinks ALL Steroids make your D*CK shrink and destroy your liver ( doesn't understand the concept of oral vs injectable steroids- believe me I have explained it to him about 3 or 4 times). He drinks 20 litres of coca cola a week- has been doing so for 25+ years. smokes about 20 smokes a day. Get's pissed every weekend. He tells me that eating
    steak+rice or skinless chicken breasts+ veggies or rice is the 'wrong kind of food' to eat. Apparently meat pies are better.

    One other guy tells me that drinking protien drinks will cause my kidneys to fail in about 20 years. One guy eats fruit pretty much all day, then goes home and drinks beer . I told him he shouldn't do it but he 'doesn't feel right' without having 1 or 2 beers in the afternoon.
    They all tell me if I keep eating the way I am, I will get fat.
    What they see me eat at work ( 2 meals) totals probably 70/80grams of protien and about 100g of carbs. Im 6'1 188 pounds. low bodyfat %- dont knoe exact% prob about 14 or something. I ride 20+km on my bike every day getting to and from work. I workout 4/5 days per week.
    I eat CLEAN- no junk or soft drinks. no alcohol.

    So, does anyone have anything I can use to backup my 'case' ? Is there still hope for these poor souls?
    thanks in advance.
    Hay,, ow, man this is classic, people like this will come and go during your training life, get used to it, these people have no clue about anything never bothered to read a book, constantly gonging by what they have heard from other people they don’t know **** and never will. This thing is a life style you cant do both, any one that smokes 20 a day and drinks all the time don’t research have a crap diet, have no place in bodybuilding. Steroids making your dick shrink is another classic one form the ignorant general public its, crap and annoys me every time I hear it,, arrrrrraarrr,.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    first you don’t need to start your metabolism its constantly running lol (2)The theory behind cardio on a empty stomach, is you have been asleep for around 8 hours with no food so when you wake up you are running on 0 carbs, so when you do cardio, you trick the body in to using body fat as fuel instead of carbs thus lowing your fat%.(3) you don’t need steroids to get big they are not a necessity, good p.w.n, diet and training, you can go a long way, the gear should be used when you feel that you cannot gain any more natural, say after 4,5,6, years jmo.
    Last edited by S.P.G; 03-29-2005 at 06:06 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Why bother bantering with un-educated ignorant people in the first place?

    I'd let them believe what they wish, who cares.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Why bother bantering with un-educated ignorant people in the first place?

    I'd let them believe what they wish, who cares.

    Exactly,, *u*k*m

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    For real, I am busy enough teaching/coaching/helping those who WANT to learn and keep their minds open to new/efficient/top of the line information that is accurate and gets the job done every time out.

    No time for un-appreciative bitches.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i get all the s*** all the time
    yest some1 told me that hes been wearing a trash bag under his runnin clothes to cut fat faster i hope he get dehydrated and dies

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
    i get all the s*** all the time
    yest some1 told me that hes been wearing a trash bag under his runnin clothes to cut fat faster i hope he get dehydrated and dies

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I say make some money off these idiots. Make it a contest see who wins. It sounds like it would be candy from a bunch of babys

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilderbeast
    I say make some money off these idiots. Make it a contest see who wins. It sounds like it would be candy from a bunch of babys
    yeah man have a contest see who can shred the most fat!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Why bother bantering with un-educated ignorant people in the first place?

    I'd let them believe what they wish, who cares.
    i have to put up with it every day during meal breaks and it's starting to annoy me.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    Start eating lunch with your shirt off and let them watch your transformation. Your superior knowledge will either shut them up or they'll think you're a freak. Either way, they'll leave you alone.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by slob
    i have to put up with it every day during meal breaks and it's starting to annoy me.
    Oh I love it

    "How the hell do you stay in shape eating all that much? Youre going to get fat"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Unless you get paid to dissuade their ignorance i'd agree with the other bros on this..screw 'em

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    hi, im a senior in highschool and just like the rest of my friends from football we work out. anyway, for the past 2 months ive been researching and eating well, taking PWO protein shakes etc. anyway, all my friends are idiots, no one does PWO nutrition. no one understands what an anabolic state is. no one will ever understand how to gain muscle as effeciently as possible. so anyway, i deal with this everyday. i just ignore them, but im clmibing very fast on bench, and losing fat very fast. just make it a goal to yourself to prove them wrong by out performing them on weights, looking better, looking more cut. thats pretty much what keeps me going now when i run and workout.

  17. #17
    Don't you hate stuff like this. Whenever anyone I know hears that I am dieting and lifting all of a sudden they are an expert and want to give me all of their advice. Nevermind that they are in worse shape then I am and can't even tell you where the nearest gym is located, they have all the answers. The headaches aren't worth it from trying to reason with these people. I have learned more on this site in the past month then I could ever have talking to people in my area.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Why bother bantering with un-educated ignorant people in the first place?

    I'd let them believe what they wish, who cares.


    Exactly! Results speak for themselves.

    I have posted several times about these kinds of people, like i said results speak for themselves.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Nevermind that they are in worse shape then I am and can't even tell you where the nearest gym is located, they have all the answers.
    Some guy at TAFE college tried to tell me today that creatine is exactly the same as steroids. He said , next time I go back to the gym I am getting creatine, in a bottle. It's about $60 and its awesome.
    My right index finger is bigger than this guy and he tries to tell me that it is exactly the same , because 'heaps of people told him'.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    well i got smth similar a guy told me that cell -tech and nitro-tech are exactly like steroids if not better so i said then y r people taking steroids if theyre liver toxic y not get tons of of cell&nitro like the pros do since theyre(pros) all natural ,i mean u do know theyre all natural him:duh ofcourse theyre are cuz they are tested every month

    uh huh uh huh

    one more thing he said look at urself now and look @ me u take roids and ill take cell&nitro we'll see who has a a better too bad im 18 and cant prove him wrong
    i aint taking nething but ****it im still looking better than him

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i should change this thread to stupid and mis-informed people are everywhere or something


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