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Ok I have a lot of very mis-informed people where I work, as I'm sure a lot of you do. They all think they know more about diet+ working out than me and more importantly people who have actually bothered to research dieting/weightlifting. So they all try to fill my head with garbage and I know they are wrong but don't know how to respond to them in a way they will understand. I have tried time and time again to explain and use facts but they don't want to hear it. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, I bet this happens a lot everywhere.
So... I have a few questions. if any of you can answer them or give me some info/ incidents I could use to dispell their insane ramblings, i'd be most grateful.
Q. Why do cardio on an empty stomach?
I have a bunch of workmates who are all trying to tell me that I shouldnt ever do cardio on an empty stomach because if you do, your body feeds on itself . Apparently I should eat something to start my metabolism before I go walking/jogging...
Of course they all know better than me and are fine physical specimens.... and have had LOTS of experience in failed diets.
Im talking about the kind of people that eat fish , chips, scallops, drink beer, while they are on a 'diet'.
One of them reccommended eating pies and chips and drinking beer while I sit on my ass for 3 months and I will get huge , because it 'worked for one of his mates'. This is the same one who told me he could sell his WIFE'S HRT STEROIDS for $50 AUS a pill.. This guy also told me that if I get a barbell and do bent over rows and slam the bar into my chest every day for 1 year ( doesn't understand the concept of giving the muscle to repair itself) my chest will supposedly pop out. Again... this worked for some of his mates.
This guy tells me if I want to get big, I need to get steroids because it's the only way (i'm 19 and won't consider it until 22/23years old)... He has never heard of PCT. He thinks ALL Steroids make your D*CK shrink and destroy your liver ( doesn't understand the concept of oral vs injectable steroids- believe me I have explained it to him about 3 or 4 times). He drinks 20 litres of coca cola a week- has been doing so for 25+ years. smokes about 20 smokes a day. Get's pissed every weekend. He tells me that eating
steak+rice or skinless chicken breasts+ veggies or rice is the 'wrong kind of food' to eat. Apparently meat pies are better.
One other guy tells me that drinking protien drinks will cause my kidneys to fail in about 20 years. One guy eats fruit pretty much all day, then goes home and drinks beer . I told him he shouldn't do it but he 'doesn't feel right' without having 1 or 2 beers in the afternoon.
They all tell me if I keep eating the way I am, I will get fat.
What they see me eat at work ( 2 meals) totals probably 70/80grams of protien and about 100g of carbs. Im 6'1 188 pounds. low bodyfat %- dont knoe exact% prob about 14 or something. I ride 20+km on my bike every day getting to and from work. I workout 4/5 days per week.
I eat CLEAN- no junk or soft drinks. no alcohol.
So, does anyone have anything I can use to backup my 'case' ? Is there still hope for these poor souls?
thanks in advance.