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Thread: high cal foods?

  1. #1

    high cal foods?

    ok so i figured it out on here that i need around 4000 cals a day to bulk up. I'm 25 years old 6'5" 178lbs. I need to know some good foods to buy at the store that will help me get the most cals possible with roughly 5-6 meals a day. I really want to try and do this thing natural but i am taking some supplements ( a multi-vit and a MRP) since i am kind of scared to go over to the darkside any advice on foods??
    thanks trevor

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    snack on some almonds. unsalted. Put chopped walnuts on anythign you think you can. Olive oil. You want good fats at the right times and carbs at the right time. You should think of what you might do and post an exact diet so people can help you improve it for your goals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Don't forget a PWO shake with protein and dextrose in a 1:2 ratio.

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